Gira System 106

Modular and flexible door communication

Thanks to its mod­u­lar design, the Gira Sys­tem 106 door in­ter­com is ex­tremely flex­ible and can be in­di­vidu­ally con­figured. Gira Sys­tem 106 boasts a com­pact design and state-​of-the-art tech­no­logy, as well as ro­bust ma­ter­i­als and a wide range of col­ours.

  • Modular and easily adaptable to customer requirements
  • Classic surface-mounted installation or flush installation possible
  • Can be integrated into KNX Smart Home when combined with the Gira DCS-IP gateway
  • Labelling for call buttons or info module by the Inscription Service
  • Suitable for new builds and retrofits thanks to 2-wire bus
  • Gira System 106 is compatible with all home stations
    and door communication solutions from Gira

Installation options


With a straightforward surface-mounted installation, the door station can be easily mounted on the wall. As a result, the System 106 not only works well with new builds – it is equally well-suited to retrofitting. Its flat design and housing that is only 28.4 mm high ensure an elegant appearance in any house entrance.

Flush with the façade in the thermal insulation

A new option is to fully integrate the Gira System 106 door communication modules into the facade. The facade module is a flush-mounted housing available as an insulating element from leading manufacturers of thermal insulation composite systems. The facade modules are available in various formats and can be perfectly plastered into place.

System 106 installation box for flush mounting

The Gira flush-mounting installation box makes integration into metal fronts in entrance areas, gates or letterbox systems possible. Installation is carried out directly by the trade partner. The simple mounting solution and permanent installation mean the installation box is quick and easy to install. 

Letterbox solutions

The Gira System 106 is particularly suitable
for installation in letterbox systems from Renz and Briefkasten Manufaktur. The Gira door stations can be integrated into letterbox systems for flush-mounted, surface-mounted or free-standing installation. 

Colours and materials

V2A stainless steel

Stain­less steel is a clas­sic of mod­ern con­struc­tion. The design front made of V2A stain­less steel, with its ex­quis­ite shine and fine grind­ing (240 grind­ing pat­tern), adds a touch of simple el­eg­ance to the front en­trance. The mod­ule is also dur­able and hard-​wearing, which is par­tic­u­larly ad­vant­age­ous for out­door use.

V4A stainless steel

Another variant is the design front made of V4A stainless steel for the Gira System 106 door intercom. This saltwater-resistant stainless steel is particularly suitable for installation in the Renz mailbox system. The two manufacturers’ V4A stainless steel surfaces work particularly well together.


The an­od­ised alu­minium (E6-C0) design fronts have a silk-​matt sheen. With its subtle tones and ac­cents, this ma­ter­ial per­fectly suits a mod­ern style of ar­chi­tec­ture – and its dur­ab­il­ity and ro­bust­ness make it ideal for out­door use.

Traffic white

The uni­ver­sally ro­bust, clas­sic white lacquered (RAL 9016, traffic white) ver­sion of Gira Sys­tem 106 has a look that is mod­ern, fresh and un­ob­trus­ive at the same time. Pleas­antly light, the white door sta­tion matches al­most any façade.


The material is stainless steel, the fashionable colour is softly shimmering bronze (PVD). This new variant is a stylish addition to the System 106 range. Existing design fronts can be easily replaced as desired, with no need to change the technology behind them.

Black matt

The subtle elegance of black matt is more than just a brief trend. Based on stainless steel, Gira System 106 function modules in this colour blend into any building style with discreet restraint, while also making a design statement.

V2A stainless steel

Stain­less steel is a clas­sic of mod­ern con­struc­tion. The design front made of V2A stain­less steel, with its ex­quis­ite shine and fine grind­ing (240 grind­ing pat­tern), adds a touch of simple el­eg­ance to the front en­trance. The mod­ule is also dur­able and hard-​wearing, which is par­tic­u­larly ad­vant­age­ous for out­door use.

V4A stainless steel

Another variant is the design front made of V4A stainless steel for the Gira System 106 door intercom. This saltwater-resistant stainless steel is particularly suitable for installation in the Renz mailbox system. The two manufacturers’ V4A stainless steel surfaces work particularly well together.


The an­od­ised alu­minium (E6-C0) design fronts have a silk-​matt sheen. With its subtle tones and ac­cents, this ma­ter­ial per­fectly suits a mod­ern style of ar­chi­tec­ture – and its dur­ab­il­ity and ro­bust­ness make it ideal for out­door use.

Traffic white

The uni­ver­sally ro­bust, clas­sic white lacquered (RAL 9016, traffic white) ver­sion of Gira Sys­tem 106 has a look that is mod­ern, fresh and un­ob­trus­ive at the same time. Pleas­antly light, the white door sta­tion matches al­most any façade.


The material is stainless steel, the fashionable colour is softly shimmering bronze (PVD). This new variant is a stylish addition to the System 106 range. Existing design fronts can be easily replaced as desired, with no need to change the technology behind them.

Black matt

The subtle elegance of black matt is more than just a brief trend. Based on stainless steel, Gira System 106 function modules in this colour blend into any building style with discreet restraint, while also making a design statement.

V2A stainless steel

Stain­less steel is a clas­sic of mod­ern con­struc­tion. The design front made of V2A stain­less steel, with its ex­quis­ite shine and fine grind­ing (240 grind­ing pat­tern), adds a touch of simple el­eg­ance to the front en­trance. The mod­ule is also dur­able and hard-​wearing, which is par­tic­u­larly ad­vant­age­ous for out­door use.

V4A stainless steel

Another variant is the design front made of V4A stainless steel for the Gira System 106 door intercom. This saltwater-resistant stainless steel is particularly suitable for installation in the Renz mailbox system. The two manufacturers’ V4A stainless steel surfaces work particularly well together.


The an­od­ised alu­minium (E6-C0) design fronts have a silk-​matt sheen. With its subtle tones and ac­cents, this ma­ter­ial per­fectly suits a mod­ern style of ar­chi­tec­ture – and its dur­ab­il­ity and ro­bust­ness make it ideal for out­door use.

Traffic white

The uni­ver­sally ro­bust, clas­sic white lacquered (RAL 9016, traffic white) ver­sion of Gira Sys­tem 106 has a look that is mod­ern, fresh and un­ob­trus­ive at the same time. Pleas­antly light, the white door sta­tion matches al­most any façade.


The material is stainless steel, the fashionable colour is softly shimmering bronze (PVD). This new variant is a stylish addition to the System 106 range. Existing design fronts can be easily replaced as desired, with no need to change the technology behind them.

Black matt

The subtle elegance of black matt is more than just a brief trend. Based on stainless steel, Gira System 106 function modules in this colour blend into any building style with discreet restraint, while also making a design statement.

Modularity and modules

Functional and universal

The mod­u­lar door com­mu­nic­a­tion sys­tem is based on in­di­vidual mod­ules, the basic meas­ure­ments of which are 106.5 × 106.5 mm, and which can be com­bined flex­ibly and ar­ranged ver­tic­ally, ho­ri­zont­ally or in squares, as de­sired. Hous­ings for 1-​gang to 5-​gang and 2 x 2-​gang formats are avail­able for this pur­pose. Each mod­ule – cam­era, speak­erphone unit, or call but­tons – con­tains all the ne­ces­sary tech­no­logy. The mod­ules are in­ser­ted into the hous­ing and covered and pro­tec­ted by the 3 mm thick design front plate. Ex­ten­sions and modi­fic­a­tions are pos­sible by re­pla­cing the mod­ules.

Gira door station module 106

The Gira System 106 door station module includes a speakerphone unit with integrated call button – making it the smallest stand-alone unit to function as a complete door station. It contains a high-quality microphone and a weather-proof speaker for good communication at the door.

Gira lasered call-button module 106

The Gira System 106 call-button module comes in two versions, with an inscription service available for the model with all-metal buttons. An elegant laser inscription for the buttons can be created in accordance with personal specifications submitted via an online form.

Gira illuminated call-button module 106

The call-button variant with backlit inscription space provides good orientation in the dark. Appropriately designed labels are available from the Gira Inscription Service. Both call-button modules are available in 1-gang to 4-gang variants. Function changes, e.g. from 2-gang to 4-gang, can be implemented simply by replacing the buttons.

Gira intercom module 106

The Gira System 106 intercom module is designed for indoor/outdoor communication. The module features a high-quality microphone, weather-resistant speaker and background noise suppression for good speech quality. Depending on the current ambient light conditions, a brightness sensor switches between two brightness levels for the call button illumination.

Gira camera module 106

An extremely light-sensitive camera with a wide observation range is concealed behind the durable, scratch-resistant black glass plate. The integrated rotary selection switch can be used to set the image sections to nine different positions. To protect the camera from fogging and cold, a heating unit can be switched on if required. Four infrared LEDs arranged around the lens perfectly illuminate the area in front of the camera, enabling the field of view to be displayed glare-free in night mode. The camera can be switched on at night without being seen outside. If the camera is exposed to strong backlighting, e.g. from car headlights, the backlight compensation brightens up any resulting dark areas and makes them easily recognisable as well.

Gira blank module 106

A blank module is available to cover up modules for future expansions, as a placeholder for temporary vacancies, or as a design element for the implementation of large door stations.

Gira info module 106

The Gira System 106 info module is suitable for house numbers, names, street names, opening hours, and any other information that needs to be clearly and prominently displayed.

Gira display module 106 (DIN 18040)

Thanks to the Gira System 106 display module, visitors can see when they are being prompted to speak and when the door has been opened. This means that the module meets the DIN 18040 standard for accessible construction.

Gira door station module 106

The Gira System 106 door station module includes a speakerphone unit with integrated call button – making it the smallest stand-alone unit to function as a complete door station. It contains a high-quality microphone and a weather-proof speaker for good communication at the door.

Gira lasered call-button module 106

The Gira System 106 call-button module comes in two versions, with an inscription service available for the model with all-metal buttons. An elegant laser inscription for the buttons can be created in accordance with personal specifications submitted via an online form.

Gira illuminated call-button module 106

The call-button variant with backlit inscription space provides good orientation in the dark. Appropriately designed labels are available from the Gira Inscription Service. Both call-button modules are available in 1-gang to 4-gang variants. Function changes, e.g. from 2-gang to 4-gang, can be implemented simply by replacing the buttons.

Gira intercom module 106

The Gira System 106 intercom module is designed for indoor/outdoor communication. The module features a high-quality microphone, weather-resistant speaker and background noise suppression for good speech quality. Depending on the current ambient light conditions, a brightness sensor switches between two brightness levels for the call button illumination.

Gira camera module 106

An extremely light-sensitive camera with a wide observation range is concealed behind the durable, scratch-resistant black glass plate. The integrated rotary selection switch can be used to set the image sections to nine different positions. To protect the camera from fogging and cold, a heating unit can be switched on if required. Four infrared LEDs arranged around the lens perfectly illuminate the area in front of the camera, enabling the field of view to be displayed glare-free in night mode. The camera can be switched on at night without being seen outside. If the camera is exposed to strong backlighting, e.g. from car headlights, the backlight compensation brightens up any resulting dark areas and makes them easily recognisable as well.

Gira blank module 106

A blank module is available to cover up modules for future expansions, as a placeholder for temporary vacancies, or as a design element for the implementation of large door stations.

Gira info module 106

The Gira System 106 info module is suitable for house numbers, names, street names, opening hours, and any other information that needs to be clearly and prominently displayed.

Gira display module 106 (DIN 18040)

Thanks to the Gira System 106 display module, visitors can see when they are being prompted to speak and when the door has been opened. This means that the module meets the DIN 18040 standard for accessible construction.

Gira door station module 106

The Gira System 106 door station module includes a speakerphone unit with integrated call button – making it the smallest stand-alone unit to function as a complete door station. It contains a high-quality microphone and a weather-proof speaker for good communication at the door.

Gira lasered call-button module 106

The Gira System 106 call-button module comes in two versions, with an inscription service available for the model with all-metal buttons. An elegant laser inscription for the buttons can be created in accordance with personal specifications submitted via an online form.

Gira illuminated call-button module 106

The call-button variant with backlit inscription space provides good orientation in the dark. Appropriately designed labels are available from the Gira Inscription Service. Both call-button modules are available in 1-gang to 4-gang variants. Function changes, e.g. from 2-gang to 4-gang, can be implemented simply by replacing the buttons.

Gira intercom module 106

The Gira System 106 intercom module is designed for indoor/outdoor communication. The module features a high-quality microphone, weather-resistant speaker and background noise suppression for good speech quality. Depending on the current ambient light conditions, a brightness sensor switches between two brightness levels for the call button illumination.

Gira camera module 106

An extremely light-sensitive camera with a wide observation range is concealed behind the durable, scratch-resistant black glass plate. The integrated rotary selection switch can be used to set the image sections to nine different positions. To protect the camera from fogging and cold, a heating unit can be switched on if required. Four infrared LEDs arranged around the lens perfectly illuminate the area in front of the camera, enabling the field of view to be displayed glare-free in night mode. The camera can be switched on at night without being seen outside. If the camera is exposed to strong backlighting, e.g. from car headlights, the backlight compensation brightens up any resulting dark areas and makes them easily recognisable as well.

Gira blank module 106

A blank module is available to cover up modules for future expansions, as a placeholder for temporary vacancies, or as a design element for the implementation of large door stations.

Gira info module 106

The Gira System 106 info module is suitable for house numbers, names, street names, opening hours, and any other information that needs to be clearly and prominently displayed.

Gira display module 106 (DIN 18040)

Thanks to the Gira System 106 display module, visitors can see when they are being prompted to speak and when the door has been opened. This means that the module meets the DIN 18040 standard for accessible construction.

Gira System 106 Keyless In fingerprint module

Forgot your keys? No problem. The Gira System 106 Keyless In fingerprint module enables keyless access with fingerprint recognition. The secure access solution based on a professional biometric control system. Up to 100 fingerprints can be saved for recognition. It is easy to configure using the Gira Keyless In app. The module is flexible to integrate into Gira System 106, easy to retrofit, or suitable for use as a stand-alone solution.

Find out more

Assembly and installation

The Gira System 106 is intelligently designed down to the last detail, so that installation is extremely simple and safe for the installer. With surface-mounted installation, the housing is mounted separately on the wall.

Gira System 106 surface-mounted installation

Installation steps for surface-mounted installation

1. Attach the body

For surface-mounted installation, screw the body of the door station to the wall at the desired position. For flush mounting types, screw the housing to the flush-mounted module.

2. Insert the modules into the function support frame

The Gira System 106 call-button module comes in two versions, with an inscription service available for the model with all-metal buttons. An elegant laser inscription for the buttons can be created in accordance with personal specifications submitted via an online form.

3. Adjust the camera’s image section

The camera module has a rotary selection switch on its rear side. If the camera cannot be installed at the optimum height of 1.5 m, the image sections can be adjusted using the rotary selection switch. Nine different positions can be set.

4. Connect modules securely

Connect the modules to one another vertically or horizontally using flat ribbon cable and also insert the
terminating resistors. A safety bond prevents the inserted modules from accidentally falling out during installation.

5. Connect via the 2-wire bus

Thanks to 2-wire bus technology, only two lines are required to supply power to the various components and transmit all audio and video signals. This enables rapid installation with reverse polarity protection. It is important to ensure that the cable routing is not behind the camera during installation.

6. Snap the function support frame into place

Once the function support frame is fully loaded, hook it onto the top of the housing and lay its entire length over the body. Then snap the function support frame, together with its modules, into place on the body.

7. Securely close housing

The patented bit holder and special bit are now used to screw in the grub screw beneath the housing until it is flush with the housing edge. For flush mounting, a special wrench must be inserted between the door station and the flush-mounted module in order to then securely screw the housing. A height compensation of 3 mm ensures flush installation even with different material thicknesses.

8. Fully mounted door station

Theft-proof installation of the door station is complete – fixed on or flush in the wall, seamlessly integrated into a front plate provided by the customer or into a mailbox system.

1. Attach the body

For surface-mounted installation, screw the body of the door station to the wall at the desired position. For flush mounting types, screw the housing to the flush-mounted module.

2. Insert the modules into the function support frame

The Gira System 106 call-button module comes in two versions, with an inscription service available for the model with all-metal buttons. An elegant laser inscription for the buttons can be created in accordance with personal specifications submitted via an online form.

3. Adjust the camera’s image section

The camera module has a rotary selection switch on its rear side. If the camera cannot be installed at the optimum height of 1.5 m, the image sections can be adjusted using the rotary selection switch. Nine different positions can be set.

4. Connect modules securely

Connect the modules to one another vertically or horizontally using flat ribbon cable and also insert the
terminating resistors. A safety bond prevents the inserted modules from accidentally falling out during installation.

5. Connect via the 2-wire bus

Thanks to 2-wire bus technology, only two lines are required to supply power to the various components and transmit all audio and video signals. This enables rapid installation with reverse polarity protection. It is important to ensure that the cable routing is not behind the camera during installation.

6. Snap the function support frame into place

Once the function support frame is fully loaded, hook it onto the top of the housing and lay its entire length over the body. Then snap the function support frame, together with its modules, into place on the body.

7. Securely close housing

The patented bit holder and special bit are now used to screw in the grub screw beneath the housing until it is flush with the housing edge. For flush mounting, a special wrench must be inserted between the door station and the flush-mounted module in order to then securely screw the housing. A height compensation of 3 mm ensures flush installation even with different material thicknesses.

8. Fully mounted door station

Theft-proof installation of the door station is complete – fixed on or flush in the wall, seamlessly integrated into a front plate provided by the customer or into a mailbox system.

1. Attach the body

For surface-mounted installation, screw the body of the door station to the wall at the desired position. For flush mounting types, screw the housing to the flush-mounted module.

2. Insert the modules into the function support frame

The Gira System 106 call-button module comes in two versions, with an inscription service available for the model with all-metal buttons. An elegant laser inscription for the buttons can be created in accordance with personal specifications submitted via an online form.

3. Adjust the camera’s image section

The camera module has a rotary selection switch on its rear side. If the camera cannot be installed at the optimum height of 1.5 m, the image sections can be adjusted using the rotary selection switch. Nine different positions can be set.

4. Connect modules securely

Connect the modules to one another vertically or horizontally using flat ribbon cable and also insert the
terminating resistors. A safety bond prevents the inserted modules from accidentally falling out during installation.

5. Connect via the 2-wire bus

Thanks to 2-wire bus technology, only two lines are required to supply power to the various components and transmit all audio and video signals. This enables rapid installation with reverse polarity protection. It is important to ensure that the cable routing is not behind the camera during installation.

6. Snap the function support frame into place

Once the function support frame is fully loaded, hook it onto the top of the housing and lay its entire length over the body. Then snap the function support frame, together with its modules, into place on the body.

7. Securely close housing

The patented bit holder and special bit are now used to screw in the grub screw beneath the housing until it is flush with the housing edge. For flush mounting, a special wrench must be inserted between the door station and the flush-mounted module in order to then securely screw the housing. A height compensation of 3 mm ensures flush installation even with different material thicknesses.

8. Fully mounted door station

Theft-proof installation of the door station is complete – fixed on or flush in the wall, seamlessly integrated into a front plate provided by the customer or into a mailbox system.

Compatible intercom and operating units

The home station, your intercom and operating unit for indoor use, is the counterpart to the door station outside. Gira System 106 can be combined with all home stations from the Gira door communication system. In addition, the Gira DCS-IP gateway enables mobile access to the door intercom with iOS and Android smartphones and tablets.

Gira surface-mounted video home station 7

The Gira surface-​mounted home sta­tion video 7 for in­door use is an im­press­ive mod­ern two-​way in­ter­com with in­teg­rated video func­tion. It has a 7" dis­play with high-​resolution image qual­ity and can be in­stalled either by mount­ing it on the wall or with the aid of a base foot.


Surface-mounted video home station 7

Mobile door communication

The Gira DCS-IP gateway enables access to the door intercom with iOS and Android smartphones and tablets. Communication is encrypted using Secure Data Access, which is also used in the Gira S1 and guarantees maximum security.

More about mobile door communication

Door communication with the computer

Whether you’re at work, in the office or at home, with the Gira DCS-IP
gateway you can use your computer as an additional door intercom system
– enabling you to conveniently see who is at the door, speak to visitors, and open the door. All with a click of the mouse.

Using your computer as a door intercom system with the DCS-IP gateway


Modular and flexible door communication – the Gira System 106 video

Clean and soph­ist­ic­ated design, ro­bust ma­ter­i­als and state-​of-the-art tech­no­logy – the video about our new Gira Sys­tem 106 of­fers a brief over­view of its many func­tional de­tails and provides in­form­a­tion on the ad­vant­ages of its mod­u­lar design dur­ing in­stall­a­tion, its high-​quality ma­ter­ial, and sus­tain­ab­il­ity as­pects.

View System 106 video


Gira Sys­tem 106 is a mod­u­lar door com­mu­nic­a­tion sys­tem with metal front plates in an el­eg­ant, min­im­al­ist design. It is based on in­di­vidual mod­ules, the basic meas­ure­ments of which are 106.5 × 106.5 mm, and which can be com­bined flex­ibly and ar­ranged ver­tic­ally, ho­ri­zont­ally or in squares, as de­sired.

View System 106 design clip


The body and the flat mod­ules of Gira Sys­tem 106 are full of in­nov­at­ive tech­no­logy and func­tional de­tails. For ex­ample, the design and glass fronts con­ceal fea­tures such as a high-​quality in­ter­com sys­tem with back­ground noise sup­pres­sion, a cam­era with back­light com­pens­a­tion, a bright­ness sensor for the call but­ton, and a built-​in heat­ing unit to pro­tect the sys­tem.

View System 106 technology clip


Gira Sys­tem 106 is based on a clear grid design and has a total of seven mod­ules. This means that solu­tions can be im­ple­men­ted for everything from single-​family homes to lar­ger prop­er­ties.

View System 106 modules clip


Gira Sys­tem 106 is easy to in­stall. The body of the door sta­tion is se­curely screwed to the wall. The mod­ules are then fixed to a sup­port frame using bay­onet locks, linked to each other with flat rib­bon cable, and con­nec­ted to the 2-​wire bus.

View System 106 installation clip

Environment and sustainability

Sus­tain­ab­il­ity was a key factor dur­ing the Gira Sys­tem 106 de­vel­op­ment pro­cess. Sys­tem 106 is de­signed to be ex­tremely en­vir­on­ment­ally friendly when dis­mantled, since all the ma­ter­i­als used can be com­pletely sep­ar­ated from one an­other.

View System 106 environment clip


Operating instructions

System 106 Door station module

Operating instructions

Bestell-Nr 5565 .., 5569 ..

PDF, 841,7 KB


System 106 Intercom module

Operating instructions

Bestell-Nr 5563 ..

PDF, 585,3 KB


System 106 call-button module

Operating instructions

Bestell-Nr 5531 .., 5532 .., 5533 .., 5534 .., 5539 000

PDF, 946,0 KB


System 106 camera module

Operating instructions

Bestell-Nr 5561 000

PDF, 357,5 KB


System 106 DIN 18040 display module

Operating instructions

Bestell-Nr 5567 000

PDF, 111,5 KB


System 106 Info module / System 106 Blank module

Operating instructions

Bestell-Nr 5560 .., 5568 ..

PDF, 1,6 MB


Installation instructions

The following files are not available in the language you have selected, but may be in other translations.

Planungshilfe für WDVS Dämmstoffmodul


PDF, 2,5 MB



Gira door communication

Bestell-Nr 18123 90

PDF, 2,2 MB


Guides / system basics

Gira Door communication system

Basics, planning examples Door communication system Order no. 1736 90

PDF, 5,4 MB


Features Modules Installation Compatibility Videos/clips Download

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Data processing purposes:Verification of whether data entry on websites is done by a human or by an automated program

Categories of personal data:

  • Private customer site: IP address (anonymised), time spent by the visitor on the website, mouse movements made by the user
  • Business customer site: IP address (anonymised), time spent by the visitor on the website, mouse movements made by the user, date and time of the visit to the website in question, internet address or URL of the website accessed

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • Google Ireland Ltd, Google LLC (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:12 months

Data processing purposes:Analysis of website usage. Google Analytics examines, among other things, the location of visitors and the length of time spent on individual pages, thus enabling better page and feature optimisation.

Categories of personal data:Location, time or frequency of visits to our website, IP address (anonymised)

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • Google Ireland Ltd, Google LLC (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:14 months

Data processing purposes:Management of website tags via an interface

Categories of personal data:IP address (anonymised)

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • Google Ireland Ltd, Google LLC (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:14 months

Data processing purposes:Showing of videos

Categories of personal data:

  • Private customer site: IP address (anonymised), time spent by the visitor on the website, mouse movements made by the user
  • Business customer site: IP address (anonymised), time spent by the visitor on the website, mouse movements made by the user, date and time of the visit to the website in question, internet address or URL of the website accessed

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR

Recipients:Vimeo, LLC (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:longer than 12 months

Data processing purposes:Hotjar allows us to create a kind of heat map of selected pages. This allows us to see how users navigate around the site. We can see where they click, how far they scroll and how they move around the page.

Categories of personal data:- IP address, heat maps of usage

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • Hotjar Ltd.

Third country transfer:None

Validity period of the cookie:12 months

Data processing purposes:Showing of videos

Categories of personal data:IP address, date and time and the website visited

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR

Recipients:Google Ireland Ltd, Google LLC (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:longer than 12 months

Data processing purposes:Display of interactive maps

Categories of personal data:IP address (anonymised), date and time of the visit to the relevant website, internet address or URL of the website accessed

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR

Recipients:Google Ireland Ltd, Google LLC (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:12 months

To be able to recognise your interests and show products customised to you.

Data processing purposes:Doubleclick can be used to place and manage adverts on a website. When, where and how often they should appear is controlled by the operator via campaigns.

Categories of personal data:IP address (anonymised)

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • Google Ireland Ltd, Google LLC (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:14 months

Data processing purposes:Gira marketing and sales processes can be digitised and automated by tracking how Gira offers are used. By separating subscribers from website visitors, targeted and more personalised information can be provided. Increased attention enables more follow-up activities and increased customer satisfaction can also be achieved.

Categories of personal data:Date and time, type (object, e.g. eMailing, LeadPage), browser referrer, user agent, link ID (optional), object IDs, optional object-dependent information, individual transfer parameters, geocoordinates or alternatively IP-based geocoordinates (for forms with address entry) via Locr GmbH (recording postal addresses without first and last names) with server location in Germany

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • SC Networks GmbH

Third country transfer:None

Validity period of the cookie:12 months

Data processing purposes:Evaluation of website usage, campaign performance measurement

Categories of personal data:IP address, browser information, website visited, date and time of visit, device information, usage data, click path, geographical location

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd, Meta Platforms, Inc. (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:90 days

Data processing purposes:Evaluation of website usage, campaign performance measurement

Categories of personal data:IP address, browser information, website visited, date and time of visit, device information, usage data, click path, geographical location

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • Pinterest, Inc. (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:12 months

Data processing purposes:Analysis of website usage, use of this information to serve tailored ads on LinkedIn (retargeting)

Categories of personal data:Device and browser properties, IP address, referrer URL and timestamps

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company

Third country transfer:We do not transfer your personal data to third countries. With regard to the transfer of your personal data to third countries by LinkedIn, we refer to their privacy policy:

Validity period of the cookie:12 months

Data processing purposes:Evaluation of website usage, campaign performance measurement. Google Ads uses data to place adverts placed by Gira on websites, social media platforms, in search results and other digital platforms and to measure the success of advertising campaigns.

Categories of personal data:IP address, browser information, website visited, date and time of visit, device information, usage data, click path, geographical location

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • Google Ireland Ltd, Google LLC (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:90 days