Gira System 55

The modular system with a proven success rate.

A ver­sat­ile mod­u­lar sys­tem with 55 x 55 mil­li­metre di­men­sions: The Gira Sys­tem 55 has been fam­ous for this since 1998. To date, the Gira Sys­tem 55 has helped to cre­ate a large range of mod­ern build­ing tech­no­logy func­tions – com­bined with a wide vari­ety of design lines. Concept of suc­cess: The 55 x 55 mm basic di­men­sions for func­tion mod­ules and match­ing cover frames! This flex­ib­il­ity makes it easy to guar­an­tee suc­cess in cus­tomer con­sulta­tions, plan­ning, lo­gist­ics and in­stall­a­tion.

  • More than 300 func­tions in one small area
  • .In­serts and frames from all six design lines can be freely com­bined
  • Surface-​mounted and flush-​mounted ver­sions
  • Nu­mer­ous col­ours for each design line
  • Design lines and func­tions can be ex­changed at any time
  • Easy to add ex­ten­sions with Gira Sys­tem 3000 or Gira KNX RF products

Seven design lines for every type of interior design.
The Gira System 55 design lines.

If your customers are looking for an individually customised design line, offer them the great variety of the Gira System 55: You can present the numerous inserts and frames in different colours, designs and materials in the customer consultation. With a total of six design lines, there is something for every type of interior design: Gira E1, Gira E2, Gira E3, Gira Standard 55, Gira Esprit, Gira Event or Gira Studio – from classic and sleek to fashionable and modern

Gira E2

Gira Standard 55

Gira E3

Gira Esprit

Gira Event

Gira Studio

Gira E2

Gira Standard 55

Gira E3

Gira Esprit

Gira Event

Gira Studio

Gira E2

Gira Standard 55

Gira E3

Gira Esprit

Gira Event

Gira Studio

Great flexibility in the modular system.
The design lines in Gira System 55.

Today, the Gira System 55 is more versatile than ever. We have been continually developing it since its launch. More than 300 functions allow for the creation of personalised installation solutions, whether it’s lighting, blind and climate control, door communication, communication technology and solutions for more security or the Smart Home. This ensures that the Gira System 55 will meet changing market requirements even in the future.

Save storage space

The Gira System 55 modular system even saves you storage space, despite the great variety it offers, because the Gira System 55 inserts can be combined with all design lines from the Gira System 55. This means that there are fewer items for which you need to find space.

Whether in or on the wall

Flush-mounted or surface-mounted: Gira Standard 55, Gira E2 and Gira Studio flexibly adapt to any installation situation. With Gira E2, you can also offer your customers a very flat built-in variant with a height of just 3.4 mm.

Freely combine inserts and cover frames

Your customers can choose one of the six design lines – you can use all inserts in the Gira System 55 for this purpose. The inserts are available in five system colours, bringing your customers’ personal design tastes to life: pure white glossy, pure white matt, anthracite, grey matt, and black matt.

High-quality materials and a wide range of colours

The Gira System 55 cover frames and inserts offer almost unlimited design options. Each switch can be inconspicuously integrated into the room design or deliberately highlighted as a feature. We offer classic, durable thermoplastic cover frames and exclusive variants made of real glass and metal. In addition, each design line is available in numerous colour variants - for even more individual choice.

Your preferences can change.
The Gira System 55 is there every step of the way.

Some customers find that, having used their Gira System 55 installation for some time, they wish to alter its functionality. Due to the Gira System 55’s extensive flexibility and the variety of functions, adaptations and extensions can be implemented quickly and economically, merely by replacing the insert or cover frame.

Classic buttons, motion detectors, blind controllers, inserts for heating, air conditioning and ventilation, and inserts for door communication and security: The Gira System 55 is a visionary product. Today – and in the future.

The areas of application of the Gira System 55

Electromechanics: Innovative, useful solutions

As electrical installations become more complex, applications are becoming more versatile and expectations of convenience are also increasing. The market also continues to develop in terms of technology. Gira evolves along with you. We offer you innovative and sensible solutions. Take advantage of our broad product range to meet almost all your electromechanical requirements: from a simple socket outlet to dimmers, products for lighting control and audio solutions to the innovative Gira System 3000 touch top unit.

Heating, ventilation, air conditioning: Manual and automated heating and cooling

Energy is becoming increasingly expensive. Significant amounts of energy are required to heat and cool residential and commercial buildings. It is therefore very important nowadays to install an efficient climate control system, from both an economical and an ecological point of view. In addition to economic and environmental factors, room temperature is always about comfort. Our products combine these requirements – from manual or automated temperature control to the KNX Co2 sensor. Introduce your customers to the wide range of heating, ventilation and air conditioning solutions.

Communication technology: the right connection for any system

If your customers want to turn their living room into a home cinema, or need solutions for efficient data transfer when working from home, you have the right solutions: Gira data and communication connections provide digital and analogue interfaces for all standard multimedia and network applications. To ensure that everything not only works as desired, but also fits stylishly and seamlessly with the furnishings, you can install lots of different connections to match the design of the overall electrical installation. The integration of communication technology in the Gira System 55 is impressive – in private buildings and commercial properties.

Security with convenience and design – Gira brings it all together

Your customers primarily want to feel safe and secure in their own home. Add convenience and design, and they will be completely satisfied. Gira products combine all of these factors: Smoke alarm devices, video monitoring solutions, orientation lights and much more. Many of our wide range of security applications can also be adapted to the Gira System 55. An example is the Gira bathroom and toilet emergency set. A person in need of help can pull the long pull-cord button to activate a signal light with a buzzer outside of the sanitary facilities and thus draw immediate attention to their situation. The SCHUKO socket outlet with LED orientation light makes it is easier to see where you are going, making moving around dark rooms safer.

Smart Home – on-trend solutions

Intelligent building technology is one of the trends in the real estate market. Hardly any new buildings are constructed without a Smart Home system. With the Gira System 55, you can make your customers’ homes fit for the future, because a Smart Home can be controlled via the usual variety of Gira design lines, with operating elements from the classic button to the versatile pushbutton sensor 3. This combines several functions of different systems, such as lighting and blinds. Users can control their Smart Home not only via touch displays and an app, but also by the simple push of a button.

Door communication: Reliable access control

The Gira door communication system meets your customers' requirements for secure and reliable access control indoors and outdoors. It also includes products for the Gira System 55, enabling a uniform design of the electrical installation in the desired design line. For example, Gira Keyless In for keyless access control by fingerprint or numeric code. Another is the Gira surface-mounted video home station Plus. This boasts a homogeneously designed front with a 5.6 cm TFT colour display that is easy to use, requiring only a light touch of the buttons.

Electromechanics: Innovative, useful solutions

As electrical installations become more complex, applications are becoming more versatile and expectations of convenience are also increasing. The market also continues to develop in terms of technology. Gira evolves along with you. We offer you innovative and sensible solutions. Take advantage of our broad product range to meet almost all your electromechanical requirements: from a simple socket outlet to dimmers, products for lighting control and audio solutions to the innovative Gira System 3000 touch top unit.

Heating, ventilation, air conditioning: Manual and automated heating and cooling

Energy is becoming increasingly expensive. Significant amounts of energy are required to heat and cool residential and commercial buildings. It is therefore very important nowadays to install an efficient climate control system, from both an economical and an ecological point of view. In addition to economic and environmental factors, room temperature is always about comfort. Our products combine these requirements – from manual or automated temperature control to the KNX Co2 sensor. Introduce your customers to the wide range of heating, ventilation and air conditioning solutions.

Communication technology: the right connection for any system

If your customers want to turn their living room into a home cinema, or need solutions for efficient data transfer when working from home, you have the right solutions: Gira data and communication connections provide digital and analogue interfaces for all standard multimedia and network applications. To ensure that everything not only works as desired, but also fits stylishly and seamlessly with the furnishings, you can install lots of different connections to match the design of the overall electrical installation. The integration of communication technology in the Gira System 55 is impressive – in private buildings and commercial properties.

Security with convenience and design – Gira brings it all together

Your customers primarily want to feel safe and secure in their own home. Add convenience and design, and they will be completely satisfied. Gira products combine all of these factors: Smoke alarm devices, video monitoring solutions, orientation lights and much more. Many of our wide range of security applications can also be adapted to the Gira System 55. An example is the Gira bathroom and toilet emergency set. A person in need of help can pull the long pull-cord button to activate a signal light with a buzzer outside of the sanitary facilities and thus draw immediate attention to their situation. The SCHUKO socket outlet with LED orientation light makes it is easier to see where you are going, making moving around dark rooms safer.

Smart Home – on-trend solutions

Intelligent building technology is one of the trends in the real estate market. Hardly any new buildings are constructed without a Smart Home system. With the Gira System 55, you can make your customers’ homes fit for the future, because a Smart Home can be controlled via the usual variety of Gira design lines, with operating elements from the classic button to the versatile pushbutton sensor 3. This combines several functions of different systems, such as lighting and blinds. Users can control their Smart Home not only via touch displays and an app, but also by the simple push of a button.

Door communication: Reliable access control

The Gira door communication system meets your customers' requirements for secure and reliable access control indoors and outdoors. It also includes products for the Gira System 55, enabling a uniform design of the electrical installation in the desired design line. For example, Gira Keyless In for keyless access control by fingerprint or numeric code. Another is the Gira surface-mounted video home station Plus. This boasts a homogeneously designed front with a 5.6 cm TFT colour display that is easy to use, requiring only a light touch of the buttons.

Electromechanics: Innovative, useful solutions

As electrical installations become more complex, applications are becoming more versatile and expectations of convenience are also increasing. The market also continues to develop in terms of technology. Gira evolves along with you. We offer you innovative and sensible solutions. Take advantage of our broad product range to meet almost all your electromechanical requirements: from a simple socket outlet to dimmers, products for lighting control and audio solutions to the innovative Gira System 3000 touch top unit.

Heating, ventilation, air conditioning: Manual and automated heating and cooling

Energy is becoming increasingly expensive. Significant amounts of energy are required to heat and cool residential and commercial buildings. It is therefore very important nowadays to install an efficient climate control system, from both an economical and an ecological point of view. In addition to economic and environmental factors, room temperature is always about comfort. Our products combine these requirements – from manual or automated temperature control to the KNX Co2 sensor. Introduce your customers to the wide range of heating, ventilation and air conditioning solutions.

Communication technology: the right connection for any system

If your customers want to turn their living room into a home cinema, or need solutions for efficient data transfer when working from home, you have the right solutions: Gira data and communication connections provide digital and analogue interfaces for all standard multimedia and network applications. To ensure that everything not only works as desired, but also fits stylishly and seamlessly with the furnishings, you can install lots of different connections to match the design of the overall electrical installation. The integration of communication technology in the Gira System 55 is impressive – in private buildings and commercial properties.

Security with convenience and design – Gira brings it all together

Your customers primarily want to feel safe and secure in their own home. Add convenience and design, and they will be completely satisfied. Gira products combine all of these factors: Smoke alarm devices, video monitoring solutions, orientation lights and much more. Many of our wide range of security applications can also be adapted to the Gira System 55. An example is the Gira bathroom and toilet emergency set. A person in need of help can pull the long pull-cord button to activate a signal light with a buzzer outside of the sanitary facilities and thus draw immediate attention to their situation. The SCHUKO socket outlet with LED orientation light makes it is easier to see where you are going, making moving around dark rooms safer.

Smart Home – on-trend solutions

Intelligent building technology is one of the trends in the real estate market. Hardly any new buildings are constructed without a Smart Home system. With the Gira System 55, you can make your customers’ homes fit for the future, because a Smart Home can be controlled via the usual variety of Gira design lines, with operating elements from the classic button to the versatile pushbutton sensor 3. This combines several functions of different systems, such as lighting and blinds. Users can control their Smart Home not only via touch displays and an app, but also by the simple push of a button.

Door communication: Reliable access control

The Gira door communication system meets your customers' requirements for secure and reliable access control indoors and outdoors. It also includes products for the Gira System 55, enabling a uniform design of the electrical installation in the desired design line. For example, Gira Keyless In for keyless access control by fingerprint or numeric code. Another is the Gira surface-mounted video home station Plus. This boasts a homogeneously designed front with a 5.6 cm TFT colour display that is easy to use, requiring only a light touch of the buttons.

Product highlights from the Gira System 55

Gira lighting element for Gira Standard 55 and Gira E2 surface-mounted housings.

Gira Keyless In fingerprint reader

Gira KNX RF button

Network connection box Cat. 6A 1-gang insulation displacement connection technology

Gira touch top unit

SCHUKO socket outlet with LED orientation light

Gira room temperature controller

Gira lighting element for Gira Standard 55 and Gira E2 surface-mounted housings.

Gira Keyless In fingerprint reader

Gira KNX RF button

Network connection box Cat. 6A 1-gang insulation displacement connection technology

Gira touch top unit

SCHUKO socket outlet with LED orientation light

Gira room temperature controller

Gira lighting element for Gira Standard 55 and Gira E2 surface-mounted housings.

Gira Keyless In fingerprint reader

Gira KNX RF button

Network connection box Cat. 6A 1-gang insulation displacement connection technology

Gira touch top unit

SCHUKO socket outlet with LED orientation light

Gira room temperature controller



Gira System 55 - The system with great function and design.

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Design lines Applications Product highlights Downloads

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Validity period of the cookie:12 months

Data processing purposes:Analysis of website usage, use of this information to serve tailored ads on LinkedIn (retargeting)

Categories of personal data:Device and browser properties, IP address, referrer URL and timestamps

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Validity period of the cookie:12 months

Data processing purposes:Evaluation of website usage, campaign performance measurement. Google Ads uses data to place adverts placed by Gira on websites, social media platforms, in search results and other digital platforms and to measure the success of advertising campaigns.

Categories of personal data:IP address, browser information, website visited, date and time of visit, device information, usage data, click path, geographical location

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  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
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  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:90 days