Smart wireless home control

Whether used in new builds or for mod­ern­isa­tion – eNet is the future-​proof wire­less sys­tem for smart net­work­ing and con­trol of build­ing tech­no­logy in homes or rental apart­ments of up to 140 square metres. An al­li­ance of lead­ing vendors has de­veloped eNet as a manufacturer-​neutral in­dustry stand­ard that has already proven its worth in many house­holds. With eNet SMART HOME, a new ex­pan­sion stage of the eNet sys­tem is now avail­able. It of­fers the pos­sib­il­ity of con­veni­ently con­trolling and mon­it­or­ing the build­ing tech­no­logy via smart­phone while on the move. Whether you are at home or on the road – your data is al­ways com­pletely se­cure!

Fol­low­ing the latest up­date of the eNet SMART HOME server, the sys­tem is now also com­pat­ible with Amazon Alexa and Google As­sist­ant. This means that light, shad­ing and scenes can now also be con­trolled by voice com­mand.

Smart top units for the Gira System 3000

The Gira eNet wireless operating top unit is a new addition to the range. It can simply be swapped into existing Gira System 3000 installations to convert them into wireless operating elements. An additional switching point can therefore be installed in the room in combination with the eNet wireless wall transmitter with little effort.
For even greater convenience, the eNet wireless operating top unit can even be paired with the eNet server to enable control via smartphone, tablet or voice control.

More about the Gira eNet wireless operating top unit in the online catalogue

Operating options

Control options for the eNet SMART HOME

There are six dif­fer­ent con­trol op­tions for the Gira eNet SMART HOME sys­tem. All the func­tions of the eNet sys­tem can be eas­ily and in­tu­it­ively con­trolled using voice com­mands via Alexa or Google As­sist­ant or via the app, via the Gira G1, with wire­less op­er­at­ing top units, manu­ally or via wall trans­mit­ters. The vari­ous op­er­at­ing devices are shown below. 

Control your building technology while you are away from home using the eNet SMART HOME App

The eNet SMART HOME App is in­tu­it­ive and makes man­aging your home a real pleas­ure. The con­trols are al­ways the same – whether you are at home or on the move with re­mote ac­cess ac­tiv­ated. With the app, it is pos­sible to ac­tiv­ate in­di­vidual func­tions and con­fig­ure vari­ous timers, in­clud­ing astro func­tion, scenes and if-​then rules. All help­ing to make life in your home even more pleas­ant.

Down­load the eNet SMART HOME App (An­droid) in the Google Play Store here

Down­load the eNet SMART HOME App (iOS) in the Apple App Store here


If-then rules*

A function is activated automatically if a certain event occurs. If, for example, the outside brightness has reached a certain level, the light switches off automatically to save energy. Or if the sunlight becomes too intense, the blinds are lowered and the room stays cool.

User management

With the eNet SMART HOME App new users can be created in the system or existing access rights changed easily and conveniently, for not everyone in the home should have access to everything – this is especially important in households with children.

Remote access

The eNet SMART HOME App ensures that homes can also be accessed remotely. The functions can also be controlled when residents are absent by activating remote access within the app. Remote access is free of charge.

Lighting control

Switch lights on and off, or dim them pre­cisely to the de­sired set­ting: with the eNet SMART HOME App, light­ing can be con­trolled with max­imum flex­ib­il­ity. Ad­di­tional set­tings like switch-​on or switch-​off bright­ness can also be con­figured.

Blind control

Raise and lower blinds and shut­ters, or ex­tend and re­tract awn­ings: Everything can be con­trolled with a smart­phone via the eNet SMART HOME App – at home or while on the move.

Heating control

When com­bined with smart heat­ing con­trol from tado°, the room tem­per­at­ure can be con­trolled via the eNet SMART HOME App and the ac­tual tem­per­at­ure and hu­mid­ity can be dis­played.

Start screen

The “My Home” start screen area on the eNet SMART HOME App can be in­di­vidu­ally con­figured: the de­sired scenes are dis­played and ex­ecuted here and the fre­quently used func­tions are dis­played as fa­vour­ites.

Heating control operating mode

The mode of the tado° sys­tem can be con­figured in such a way that a changed set­point tem­per­at­ure only ap­plies for a cer­tain period – or per­man­ently until a dif­fer­ent one is spe­cified. The set­point tem­per­at­ure can also be set to change auto­mat­ic­ally.

Room overview

All rooms are dis­played in the eNet SMART HOME App: this al­lows you to see at a glance which func­tion is act­ive in which room. If, for ex­ample, the light was left on, it can be switched off while on the move.

Central control

Cent­ral func­tions can be car­ried out dir­ectly in the room over­view: for ex­ample, all light­ing can be switched on and off, the tem­per­at­ure can be con­trolled and the shad­ing raised or lowered.

Scene configuration

Be­cause a per­fect room am­bi­ance in­cludes the right light, the ideal tem­per­at­ure and suit­able pri­vacy pro­tec­tion: the eNet SMART HOME App can be used to quickly con­fig­ure and change the at­mo­sphere to meet your needs.

Timer con­fig­ur­a­tion

The eNet SMART HOME App timer can be used to con­fig­ure many func­tions: cer­tain func­tions can be auto­mat­ic­ally triggered at a spe­cified time every day, or only on cer­tain days of the week. It is also pos­sible to ac­tiv­ate func­tions in line with sun­rise or sun­set.

If-then rules*

A func­tion is ac­tiv­ated auto­mat­ic­ally if a cer­tain event oc­curs. If, for ex­ample, the out­side bright­ness has reached a cer­tain level, the light switches off auto­mat­ic­ally to save en­ergy. Or if the sun­light be­comes too in­tense, the blinds are lowered and the room stays cool.

User management

With the eNet SMART HOME App new users can be cre­ated in the sys­tem or ex­ist­ing ac­cess rights changed eas­ily and con­veni­ently, for not every­one in the home should have ac­cess to everything – this is es­pe­cially im­port­ant in house­holds with chil­dren.

Remote access

The eNet SMART HOME App en­sures that homes can also be ac­cessed re­motely. The func­tions can also be con­trolled when res­id­ents are ab­sent by ac­tiv­at­ing re­mote ac­cess within the app. Re­mote ac­cess is free of charge.

Lighting control

Switch lights on and off, or dim them precisely to the desired setting: with the eNet SMART HOME App, lighting can be controlled with maximum flexibility. Additional settings like switch-on or switch-off brightness can also be configured.

Blind control

Raise and lower blinds and shutters, or extend and retract awnings: Everything can be controlled with a smartphone via the eNet SMART HOME App – at home or while on the move.

Heating control

When combined with smart heating control from tado°, the room temperature can be controlled via the eNet SMART HOME App and the actual temperature and humidity can be displayed.

Gira G1 eNet SMART HOME Client

Con­trol all areas of your per­sonal eNet SMART HOME sys­tem from home with the Gira G1: the smart cent­ral op­er­at­ing unit provides in­tu­it­ive ac­cess to all func­tions. The Gira G1 eNet Cli­ent fits per­fectly in your rooms with a design that is both future-​oriented and simple.

Gira eNet wireless operating top units for integrating the Gira System 3000

The wire­less op­er­at­ing top units from the Gira eNet sys­tem are easy to mount and can turn a con­ven­tional elec­trical in­stall­a­tion into a wire­less sys­tem. Ex­ist­ing Sys­tem 3000 switches and but­tons for light or blind con­trol can be re­placed by eNet wire­less op­er­at­ing top units. Simply re­move the ex­ist­ing op­er­at­ing top unit and re­place it with the eNet wire­less op­er­at­ing top unit.

eNet wireless operating top unit

eNet wireless operating top unit arrow symbols

eNet wireless operating top unit Memory

eNet wireless operating top unit Memory arrow symbols

Replacing the Gira System 3000 top units is an easy way to get started with a wireless-controlled Smart Home, even when retrofitting. Wireless operation offers many advantages. If lights and blinds are operated with a hand-held wireless transmitter, for example, this can be done over a greater range, such as from the garden or bedroom. The Gira eNet wireless operating top unit can also be configured so that all the blinds on a floor are raised or lowered at the same time, for example. Entire scenes can even be controlled with a tap of the finger. Connecting the system to a Gira eNet server makes even more functions and operations possible, including mobile control via the app.

More about the Gira eNet wireless operating top units in the online catalogue

Gira eNet wireless wall transmitter

Battery-​operated eNet wire­less wall trans­mit­ters can be con­veni­ently placed ex­actly wherever switches or but­tons are re­quired, re­gard­less of the mains con­nec­tions – whether fixed�to a wall with screws or con­veni­ently at­tached to smooth sur­faces such as glass panes with ad­hes­ive strips. Two-​colour LEDs in­dic­ate suc­cess­ful sig­nal trans­mis­sion and the status of the ac­tu­ator.

Easily control up to six functions

Wall trans­mit­ters are avail­able in 1-​gang and 3-​gang ver­sions. In prin­ciple, all wall trans­mit­ters have the same func­tions and are dif­fer­en­ti­ated by the num­ber of but­tons. The but­tons/rock­ers are as­signed fixed func­tions – up to six func­tions can be used in a 3-​gang wall trans­mit­ter be­cause the rock­ers can be con­trolled on both the left and the right.

Call up programmed default settings

Scenes are pro­grammed de­fault set­tings, en­abling the user to cre­ate a suit­able light­ing mood in the liv­ing room, while sim­ul­tan­eously lower­ing the blinds, for ex­ample – and all at the press of a but­ton. Scenes make it pos­sible to set and save de­fault set­tings and call them up again at the press of a but­ton using en­tire groups of ac­tu­at­ors (re­ceiv­ers for lights or blinds). A trans­mit­ter that can trig­ger scene tele­grams is re­quired for the scenes func­tion. This can be any eNet wire­less trans­mit­ter that is set to ‘Scenes’ op­er­at­ing mode. The scene num­bers are fact­ory pre­set in the hand-​held trans­mit­ters and wall trans­mit­ters.

Always right where they are needed

The wire­less wall trans­mit­ter is not­able for its par­tic­u­larly flat design. This means that the device can be ad­hered dir­ectly to smooth sur­faces such as glass and wood without any ad­di­tional hous­ing. Free of the need for a mains con­nec­tion, it can be at­tached wherever switches and but­tons are needed. With the wire­less wall trans­mit­ter, pre­vi­ously in­stalled switches and switch com­bin­a­tions can also be ex­ten­ded quickly and neatly with ad­di­tional switches and but­tons.

Gira eNet wireless hand-held transmitter

Gira eNet wire­less hand-​held trans­mit­ters en­able con­veni­ent op­er­a­tion of build­ing tech­no­logy. Lights can be switched and dimmed, blinds can be con­trolled or vari­ous scenes can be called up using large op­er­at­ing but­tons. The wire­less hand-​held trans­mit­ter is avail­able in four vari­ants.

Gira eNet wireless hand-held transmitter, 1-gang, 2-gang and 4-gang

The eNet system can be conveniently controlled with the eNet wireless hand-held transmitters. Featuring one large operating button, the compact battery-operated wireless hand-held transmitter, 1-gang, is the easy-to-handle remote control for all lighting and blind actuators. The wireless hand-held transmitter, 2-gang, transmits switching, dimming and blind adjustment commands using four buttons, two for each operating channel. The wireless hand-held transmitter, 4-gang, has the same functions as the hand-held transmitter, 2-gang, but features two additional operating channels. It can also call up additional scenes in scene mode. For all hand-held transmitters, the signal transmission and actuator status are indicated by a two-colour LED.

Products for the eNet SMART HOME system

Functions such as lighting and blind control can be easily installed and linked into a network using the eNet SMART HOME product portfolio in existing buildings as well as new builds – on the basis of a conventional electrical installation. Sensors measure brightness or voltage, current and energy values and transmit these values to the eNet server. This then issues commands to the actuators. Signals are transmitted between the individual components bidirectionally and wirelessly, i.e. actuators not only receive commands, but also report successful transmission. 

Operating devices

Many different operating devices are available to control the eNet SMART HOME system. In addition to easily retrofitted wall transmitters, the product range encompasses hand-held transmitters and various operating top units. When the eNet SMART HOME server is used, the system can also be controlled conveniently with the eNet SMART HOME App from home or while away. Lights, blinds, and various other functions can be operated intuitively with the app and easily incorporated into scenes.


The Gira eNet server brings maximum convenience and the utmost flexibility to the Smart Home. It is the versatile central control unit that allows the configuration of scenes, timers and if-then rules. With the Gira eNet server, not only can you program the entire eNet SMART HOME system, you can also visualise and document it automatically. The entire home automation system can be easily controlled and configured via the eNet SMART HOME App – even while on the move.


Actuators transform wireless commands into functions. A broad selection of actuators for switching, dimming and controlling blinds or lighting leaves nothing to be desired. The blind actuators additionally feature an operating mode for awnings.

Installation and start-up

The in­stall­a­tion of the eNet SMART HOME sys­tem will im­press you with its simple op­er­a­tion. Smart ex­ten­sions can be con­veni­ently added by the eNet server. In the first step, ex­ist­ing in­serts are first re­placed by spe­cial wire­less op­er­at­ing top units and then � in the second step the eNet sys­tem is star­ted up via the browser in­ter­face eNet SMART HOME con­nect. 

A tutorial on starting up the eNet system can be found here

Install Gira eNet wireless operating top units

Ex­ist­ing push­but­ton dim­mers or top units for blind con­trol are re­moved in the first step. Next, the Gira eNet wire­less op­er­at­ing top units are in­stalled in the devices – and that’s all that is needed to make the con­ven­tional elec­trical in­stall­a­tion suit­able for eNet SMART HOME.

Manual start-up at the push of a button

For many ap­plic­a­tions, it is enough to just set the op­er­at­ing mode for the eNet device and then con­nect the sensor and ac­tu­ator to one an­other. The pro­gram­ming but­tons on the ac­tu­ator and sensor are then pressed for four seconds until the LED in­dic­ates that the learn­ing mode has been ac­tiv­ated. Press­ing the de­sired chan­nel but­ton on the sensor as­signs the devices to one an­other. After quit­ting learn­ing mode, the pro­grammed ac­tu­ator will only re­spond to sig­nals from its as­signed trans­mit­ter. Up to ten ac­tu­at­ors can be con­nec­ted to a trans­mit­ter in a single step.

eNet SMART HOME connect

The eNet SMART HOME con­nect ap­plic­a­tion for start-​up tasks is op­er­ated via an in­tu­it­ive graph­ical user in­ter­face: It can be used to cre­ate and man­age pro­jects, and to add devices that have already been in­stalled by run­ning a search for them or se­lect­ing them from a device cata­logue. The pro­ject can be man­aged in the eNet server and can also be saved sep­ar­ately for pro­ject doc­u­ment­a­tion.

1st step: Creating rooms

The first step is to cre­ate the rooms for the pro­ject. The names can be freely se­lec­ted. It is im­port­ant to plan the struc­ture care­fully as it is re­flec­ted 1:1 in the eNet SMART HOME App.

2nd step: Search and assign devices

Devices can be added to the pro­ject from the eNet sys­tem via the device search. All devices that are in learn­ing mode or to which the voltage has just been ap­plied will be found and dis­played. The se­lec­ted devices can be as­signed to their rooms and the device chan­nels can be in­di­vidu­ally named ac­cord­ing to their usage.

3rd step: Create connections

Ac­tu­ator and sensor chan­nels are now as­signed to one an­other and func­tion­ally in­ter­con­nec­ted. Dur­ing op­er­a­tion, the con­nec­ted devices com­mu­nic­ate dir­ectly with one an­other. This en­sures highly ro­bust func­tion­ing with a low risk of fail­ure. Even if the eNet server fails, these func­tions re­main op­er­able – thereby en­sur­ing basic func­tion­al­ity at all times.

4th step: Transfer project and
automatically export documentation

Fi­nally, the pro­ject plan­ning data is trans­ferred to the in­di­vidual devices. The dis­play for the eNet SMART HOME App is gen­er­ated auto­mat­ic­ally. The pro­ject can now be ex­por­ted, used as a backup or used as a tem­plate for fu­ture pro­ject plan­ning. The doc­u­ment­a­tion for the pro­ject can of course also be gen­er­ated and ex­por­ted auto­mat­ic­ally in the eNet server.

Tutorials and videos

eNet SMART HOME is the clever al­tern­at­ive to in­tel­li­gent build­ing con­trol in apart­ments or small single-​family homes. The fol­low­ing eNet SMART HOME videos provide a com­pre­hens­ive in­sight into the pos­sible scen­arios, all func­tions of the new app and tu­tori­als on simple start-​up.

Tutorial: eNet SMART HOME app - Functions at a glance

Over­view of all the func­tions of the eNet SMART HOME app. Our tu­torial will provide you with de­tailed in­form­a­tion about the use of func­tions such cent­rally con­trolling light and blinds, cre­at­ing scenes or pro­gram­ming the time con­trol.

Tutorial: eNet SMART HOME connect - Start-up

This �tu­torial guides you through the start-​up in­ter­face eNet SMART HOME con­nect in nine simple steps. Learn how to cre­ate a new pro­ject, add and con­fig­ure devices, and set up con­nec­tions.

eNet SMART HOME alliance

Future-proof system thanks to strong partners

Strong brands join forces in the eNet Al­li­ance to fa­cil­it­ate cross-​brand and cross-​trade solu­tions. eNet SMART HOME is being con­tinu­ously de­veloped by the Al­li­ance as a com­mon in­dustry stand­ard. This means eNet SMART HOME of­fers max­imum fu­ture se­cur­ity. Users can rely on every single com­pon­ent – both now and in the fu­ture. The eNet Al­li­ance is open to new part­ners, mean­ing that the range of pos­sib­il­it­ies will con­stantly in­crease.

eNet al­li­ance part­ners in­clude Gira, Brumberg, Häfele, Jung, SSS Siedle, Steinel and tado°.


Operating instructions

eNet Server

Operating instructions.

Bestell-Nr 5301 00

PDF, 696,4 KB



Quick Start Guide iOS.

Bestell-Nr 5301 00

PDF, 2,0 MB



Quick Start Guide Android.

Bestell-Nr 5301 00

PDF, 1,9 MB


eNet SMART HOME connect

Quick Start Guide.

Bestell-Nr 5301 00

PDF, 1,3 MB


eNet server

eNet SMART HOME secure update

Bestell-Nr 5301 00

PDF, 90,7 KB


Wireless receiver module

Operating instructions.

Bestell-Nr 5452 00

PDF, 1,2 MB


Power supply 12 V DC / 2 A DRA

Operating instructions.

Bestell-Nr 5319 00

PDF, 309,6 KB


Wireless converter intermediate plug

Operating instructions.

Bestell-Nr 5323 02

PDF, 4,4 MB


Wireless repeater intermediate plug

Operating instructions.

Bestell-Nr 5321 02

PDF, 1,3 MB


Wireless operating top unit Memory, Wireless operating top unit

Operating instructions

Bestell-Nr 5492 .., 5493 .., 5494 .., 5495 ..

PDF, 455,1 KB


Wireless Solar sun sensor

Operating instructions.

Bestell-Nr 5461 02

PDF, 1,2 MB


Wireless energy sensor, 1-gang intermediate plug

Operating instructions.

Bestell-Nr 5472 02

PDF, 678,3 KB


Wireless energy sensor, 1-gang Mini

Operating instructions.

Bestell-Nr 5471 00

PDF, 883,7 KB


Wireless energy sensor, 4-gang

Operating instructions.

Bestell-Nr 5473 00

PDF, 1,2 MB


Wireless switching actuator, 1-gang intermediate plug

Operating instructions.

Bestell-Nr 5448 02

PDF, 954,0 KB


Wireless switching/momentary-contact actuator, 1-gang Mini (zero-voltage)

Operating instructions.

Bestell-Nr 5423 00, 5424 00

PDF, 1,1 MB


Wireless switching/momentary-contact actuator, 2-gang Mini

Operating instructions.

Bestell-Nr 5425 00

PDF, 1,0 MB


Wireless dimming actuator, 1-gang Mini

Operating instructions.

Bestell-Nr 5420 00

PDF, 343,5 KB


Wireless control unit 1-10V, 1-gang Mini

Operating instructions.

Bestell-Nr 5421 00

PDF, 827,6 KB


Wireless DALI control unit, 1-gang Mini

Operating instructions.

Bestell-Nr 5422 00

PDF, 352,4 KB


Wireless blinds actuator, 1-gang Mini

Operating instructions.

Bestell-Nr 5427 00

PDF, 1,0 MB


Wireless switching/momentary-contact actuator, 1-gang

Operating instructions.

Bestell-Nr 5433 00

PDF, 1,1 MB


Wireless switching/momentary-contact actuator, 8-gang / blinds actuator, 4-gang

Operating instructions

Bestell-Nr 5435 00

PDF, 1,4 MB


Wireless dimming actuator, 1-gang

Operating instructions.

Bestell-Nr 5430 00

PDF, 428,1 KB


Wireless dimming actuator, 4-gang

Operating instructions.

Bestell-Nr 5431 00

PDF, 604,3 KB


Wireless blinds actuator, 1-gang

Operating instructions.

Bestell-Nr 5437 00

PDF, 1,1 MB


Technical Documentation

eNet Server from 2.0

Technical documentation.

Bestell-Nr 5301 00

PDF, 5,3 MB


Product information


Product Information 03/2019

Bestell-Nr 18529 99

PDF, 3,3 MB


Gira categories for the smart home

Bestell-Nr 17116 90

PDF, 523,3 KB



Gira Smart Home

Bestell-Nr 18124 90

PDF, 2,0 MB


Guides / system basics

eNet system manual


Bestell-Nr 18521 90

PDF, 6,2 MB


eNet SMART HOME Voice Control


PDF, 2,8 MB


Gira Door communication system

Basics, planning examples Door communication system Order no. 1736 90

PDF, 5,4 MB


Gira System 3000

System basics

PDF, 9,5 MB


The following files are not available in the language you have selected, but may be in other translations.


Bestell-Nr 18521 10

PDF, 5,7 MB


Features Operating options Products Operating devices Server Sensors Actuators Installation Tutorials & videos eNet Alliance Download

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  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:12 months

Data processing purposes:Analysis of website usage. Google Analytics examines, among other things, the location of visitors and the length of time spent on individual pages, thus enabling better page and feature optimisation.

Categories of personal data:Location, time or frequency of visits to our website, IP address (anonymised)

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • Google Ireland Ltd, Google LLC (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:14 months

Data processing purposes:Management of website tags via an interface

Categories of personal data:IP address (anonymised)

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • Google Ireland Ltd, Google LLC (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:14 months

Data processing purposes:Showing of videos

Categories of personal data:

  • Private customer site: IP address (anonymised), time spent by the visitor on the website, mouse movements made by the user
  • Business customer site: IP address (anonymised), time spent by the visitor on the website, mouse movements made by the user, date and time of the visit to the website in question, internet address or URL of the website accessed

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR

Recipients:Vimeo, LLC (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:longer than 12 months

Data processing purposes:Hotjar allows us to create a kind of heat map of selected pages. This allows us to see how users navigate around the site. We can see where they click, how far they scroll and how they move around the page.

Categories of personal data:- IP address, heat maps of usage

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • Hotjar Ltd.

Third country transfer:None

Validity period of the cookie:12 months

Data processing purposes:Showing of videos

Categories of personal data:IP address, date and time and the website visited

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR

Recipients:Google Ireland Ltd, Google LLC (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:longer than 12 months

Data processing purposes:Display of interactive maps

Categories of personal data:IP address (anonymised), date and time of the visit to the relevant website, internet address or URL of the website accessed

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR

Recipients:Google Ireland Ltd, Google LLC (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:12 months

To be able to recognise your interests and show products customised to you.

Data processing purposes:Doubleclick can be used to place and manage adverts on a website. When, where and how often they should appear is controlled by the operator via campaigns.

Categories of personal data:IP address (anonymised)

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • Google Ireland Ltd, Google LLC (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:14 months

Data processing purposes:Gira marketing and sales processes can be digitised and automated by tracking how Gira offers are used. By separating subscribers from website visitors, targeted and more personalised information can be provided. Increased attention enables more follow-up activities and increased customer satisfaction can also be achieved.

Categories of personal data:Date and time, type (object, e.g. eMailing, LeadPage), browser referrer, user agent, link ID (optional), object IDs, optional object-dependent information, individual transfer parameters, geocoordinates or alternatively IP-based geocoordinates (for forms with address entry) via Locr GmbH (recording postal addresses without first and last names) with server location in Germany

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • SC Networks GmbH

Third country transfer:None

Validity period of the cookie:12 months

Data processing purposes:Evaluation of website usage, campaign performance measurement

Categories of personal data:IP address, browser information, website visited, date and time of visit, device information, usage data, click path, geographical location

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd, Meta Platforms, Inc. (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:90 days

Data processing purposes:Evaluation of website usage, campaign performance measurement

Categories of personal data:IP address, browser information, website visited, date and time of visit, device information, usage data, click path, geographical location

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • Pinterest, Inc. (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:12 months

Data processing purposes:Analysis of website usage, use of this information to serve tailored ads on LinkedIn (retargeting)

Categories of personal data:Device and browser properties, IP address, referrer URL and timestamps

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company

Third country transfer:We do not transfer your personal data to third countries. With regard to the transfer of your personal data to third countries by LinkedIn, we refer to their privacy policy: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy

Validity period of the cookie:12 months

Data processing purposes:Evaluation of website usage, campaign performance measurement. Google Ads uses data to place adverts placed by Gira on websites, social media platforms, in search results and other digital platforms and to measure the success of advertising campaigns.

Categories of personal data:IP address, browser information, website visited, date and time of visit, device information, usage data, click path, geographical location

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • Google Ireland Ltd, Google LLC (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:90 days