Gira KNX RF system – new freedom with KNX.

Smart Homes in existing buildings. With Gira KNX RF

Implementing a smart home in existing buildings used to be very costly because a BUS cable had to be laid. But now there is a solution: the radio-operated Gira KNX RF system. Without great effort and expense, and above all else without any dirt or noise, it enables wireless control of lights, blinds, scenes and more. Simply based on the existing 230 V installation and the flush-mounted inserts of the Gira System 3000.

Data integrity, authentication, encryption and data currency are guaranteed by the KNX Secure Standard. The world’s first manufacturer- and application-independent security standard for smart buildings protects the Smart Home from unauthorised access.

The advantages of the Gira KNX RF system

  • Based on 230 V installation
  • Works without KNX cable in the wall
  • Uses the many functions of the System 3000 inserts
  • Controls lights, blinds, room temperature and scenes
  • KNX Secure Standard
  • Connection to existing TP installations possible
  • Wireless commissioning via ETS
  • Convenient Smart Home control via app available as an option

The basic Gira KNX RF system based on a
230 V installation

Installing a KNX RF Smart Home system is easy: the innovative KNX RF operating top units are simply plugged into the Gira System 3000 inserts. The battery-operated KNX RF pushbutton sensor can be mounted on walls without a power line. The KNX RF hand-held transmitter can also be used for operation. This means the new Gira KNX RF system can be installed in just a few steps. It is commissioned wirelessly by laptop via the KNX RF data interface (USB stick) with the help of the ETS.

The Gira KNX RF system for more convenient automation and visualisation

The Gira X1 server provides increased convenience in the KNX RF installation, allowing you to automate and visualise the Smart Home system in a single-family house with KNX RF easily, conveniently and economically. The Gira X1 controls the entire system in conjunction with the KNX RF/TP media coupler. It is the interface between wired KNX TP products and wireless KNX RF products. The update to the Gira Smart Home app enables customers to implement extensive adaptations by themselves. They can create their own scenes in the app, so that professionals do not have to go out on uneconomical jobs. Here too, the KNX RF components are simply connected via the 230 V installation.

The KNX RF operating top unit

Implement a Smart Home for your customers simply by plugging the innovative KNX RF operating top units onto the Gira System 3000 inserts. With the Gira KNX RF system, you can plan and install integrated functions for controlling lights, blinds, heating and scenes.

  • Controlling lights, blinds, room temperature and scenes
  • Based on 230 V installation
  • Efficient temperature control with integrated temperature sensor (depending on the Gira System 3000 insert used)
  • Wide range of functions thanks to Gira System 3000 inserts
  • Extensive operating functions expand the areas of application

More about the Gira System 3000

  • Instant function test possible (e.g. light on/off)
  • Efficient start-up via the ETS for implementing 2-way switches as well as central or group control.
  • Available in 1-gang and 2-gang versions.
  • Compatible with Gira System 55 and Gira F100

RF wall transmitter, 2-gang, for KNX

The Gira RF wall transmitter, 2-gang, for KNX is a battery-operated button that can be mounted on the wall using adhesive or screws, and doesn’t require a 230 V line. Integrated functions for light, blinds, heating and scene control, along with colour control, are made possible by the wall transmitter. The integrated KNX RF USB interface allows the button to be used as a programming interface for the entire KNX RF system.  

  • Battery-operated KNX RF button
  • Mounted to the wall using adhesive or screws
  • Wireless range totals 100 m
  • Supports the KNX Secure Standard

Find out more in the online catalogue

  • Battery life: 5 years 
  • Integrated KNX RF USB interface
  • Available in all system colours offered by the Gira System 55
  • Low-profile and modern, subtle design

A video tutorial on changing the battery in the RF wall transmitter, 2-gang, for KNX can be found here.

The KNX RF operating devices

KNX RF pushbutton sensors

As wire­less wall trans­mit­ters in­de­pend­ent of mains and bus lines, the battery-​operated KNX RF push­but­ton sensors can be fastened, screwed or glued any­where they are needed. They can be para­met­erised in a vari­ety of ways using the ETS.

  • For switch­ing or as but­tons
  • For dim­ming
  • For con­trolling blinds
  • For trans­mit­ting val­ues

Find out more in the online catalogue

Gira KNX RF hand-held transmitter

With the battery-​operated KNX RF hand-​held trans­mit­ters, the KNX func­tions can be triggered any­where in the house by re­mote con­trol. KNX tele­grams are sent wire­lessly when the but­tons are pressed.

  • As an aux­il­i­ary unit for scenes
  • For switch­ing or as but­tons
  • For dim­ming
  • For con­trolling blinds

Find out more in the online catalogue

Even more convenience and flexibility in the KNX environment

Gira X1

The Gira X1 server makes auto­ma­tion and visu­al­isa­tion of a single-​family home with KNX RF simple, con­veni­ent and eco­nom­ical. With the KNX RF in­stall­a­tion, you be­ne­fit from in­creased con­veni­ence with the Gira X1.

  • Cent­ral con­trol of lights, blinds, heat­ing, air con­di­tion­ing and media
  • Easy start-​up with the Gira Pro­ject As­sist­ant
  • Pres­ence sim­u­la­tion and scene stor­age
  • KNX sys­tem can be ex­pan­ded with ex­ternal devices via in­ter­faces
  • Se­cure re­mote main­ten­ance via the Gira S1

More on the Gira X1

KNX RF/TP media coupler

The KNX RF/TP media coupler con­trols the en­tire sys­tem via the Gira X1. It con­nects KNX RF devices with the wired KNX TP devices. You can use it to ex­pand new and ex­ist­ing KNX TP sys­tems with KNX RF products.

  • In­ter­face between wired KNX TP products and wire­less KNX RF products.
  • Sup­ports KNX Data Se­cure com­mu­nic­a­tion for fil­ter­ing, for­ward­ing, and block­ing tele­grams.
  • Fast com­mu­nic­a­tion between KNX products in main line and line.

Find out more in the online catalogue

Gira Smart Home app

The Gira Smart Home app makes it easy to control the Smart Home from anywhere. The app's range of functions is constantly being expanded. Customers can now make adjustments by themselves in the app and even save entire scenes. This cuts out small, time-consuming jobs and ensures more efficiency in your day-to-day business.

  • Customers with admin rights can create new users and administrators, and set parameters for functions.
  • Conflict detection for parameter settings by Gira Project Assistant 4.7
  • Customers can integrate Philips Hue lights
  • Overview page for all function timers, which can be created and edited by customers.
  • Triggering of scenes by NFC tag
  • Customers can assign functions to subsystems

Find out more about the Gira Smart Home app

KNX Secure

Gira has implemented the KNX Secure Standard in many of its products for maximum data integrity, authentication, encryption and data currency. KNX Secure is the world’s first security standard for smart buildings that is not tied to a specific manufacturer or application.

  • Optimum security for the KNX installation
  • Optimum security level for every system: The electrician decides!
  • Protection from unauthorised access to the installed KNX Secure devices by third parties
  • Protection from eavesdropping of data communication between KNX Secure devices
  • Interoperability with KNX products of all manufacturers
  • Secure and non-secure communication can be combined – even on the same device.

Find out more about KNX Secure

Convenient wireless commissioning

KNX RF data interface (USB stick)

The Gira KNX RF system is also started up wirelessly via the ETS, using the KNX RF data interface (USB stick). This means that you no longer have to go to the control cabinet, but can start up the system flexibly in the building via the USB stick.

  • Interface for wireless communication between PC and KNX system via KNX RF (wireless)
  • KNX devices addressing, programming and diagnostics with the start-up software from version ETS5

Find out more in the online catalogue

  • Fast download of large applications by long frame support from ETS 5
  • Supports KNX Data Secure for forwarding encrypted telegrams


Operating instructions

KNX RF push button 1-gang and 3-gang

Operating instructions

Bestell-Nr 5101 00, 5103 00

PDF, 1,7 MB


KNX RF USB data interface (USB stick)

Operating instructions

Bestell-Nr 5120 00

PDF, 321,6 KB


RF/TP media coupler/repeater

Operating instructions.

Bestell-Nr 5110 00

PDF, 413,3 KB


Technical Documentation

KNX RF push button 1-gang and 3-gang

Technical documentation

Bestell-Nr 5101 00, 5103 00

PDF, 9,7 MB



System documentation

PDF, 7,1 MB


KNX RF USB data interface (USB stick)

Technical documentation

Bestell-Nr 5120 00

PDF, 7,3 MB


KNX RF/TP media coupler or RF repeater

Technical documentation

Bestell-Nr 5110 00

PDF, 1,7 MB



Gira Smart Home

Bestell-Nr 18124 90

PDF, 2,0 MB


Gira KNX RF System - New freedom with KNX

01 - 2022

Bestell-Nr 19820 90

PDF, 2,5 MB


Back to top Explainer video KNX RF operating top unit RF wall transmitter, 2-gang, for KNX Other operating devices Installation Download

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Validity period of the cookie:12 months

Data processing purposes:Analysis of website usage, use of this information to serve tailored ads on LinkedIn (retargeting)

Categories of personal data:Device and browser properties, IP address, referrer URL and timestamps

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  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
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Validity period of the cookie:12 months

Data processing purposes:Evaluation of website usage, campaign performance measurement. Google Ads uses data to place adverts placed by Gira on websites, social media platforms, in search results and other digital platforms and to measure the success of advertising campaigns.

Categories of personal data:IP address, browser information, website visited, date and time of visit, device information, usage data, click path, geographical location

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  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
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Validity period of the cookie:90 days