Intelligent Smart Home systems for the building owners of tomorrow, networked by specialist partners

Are you look­ing to enter the Smart Home mar­ket and are you seek­ing up-​to-date solu­tions that can be eas­ily ad­ap­ted to your cus­tom­ers’ in­di­vidual re­quire­ments? Gira Smart Home products can ful­fil these re­quire­ments. Smart home net­work­ing of­fers the elec­trical trade the op­por­tun­ity to make its cus­tom­ers’ house­holds fit for the fu­ture, while at the same time open­ing up new cus­tomer po­ten­tial.

Gira Smart Home boasts the fol­low­ing fea­tures:

  • Can be per­son­al­ised
  • Can be ex­ten­ded at a later date
  • Avail­able as a wire­less sys­tem or as a cable-​connected KNX solu­tion
  • Solu­tions avail­able for new and old build­ings
  • Pro­fes­sional sys­tem in­teg­rat­ors offer in­stall­a­tion sup­port

Gira Smart Home will in­crease your sales. Reap the be­ne­fits of this future-​proof sys­tem and suc­cess­fully enter a luc­rat­ive growth mar­ket.

The future is smart: Intelligent Smart Home systems from Gira are revolutionising building technology

With Gira Smart Home products the de­sire for a net­worked home can be eas­ily ful­filled. Whether your cus­tom­ers are plan­ning a new build or liv­ing in an old build­ing: Both wired and wire­less solu­tions can be used to com­bine light­ing, heat­ing, blinds and audio con­trol in a single sys­tem in al­most any prop­erty. Two op­tions are avail­able for net­work­ing rooms:

The Gira eNet SMART HOME system

  • A stable, re­li­able and se­cure wire­less sys­tem for ex­ist­ing and new build­ings
  • Blinds, light­ing, heat­ing and timers can be in­di­vidu­ally con­figured, to­gether with if-​then rules
  • Future-​proof wire­less sys­tem based on manufacturer-​independent in­dustry stand­ard

The Gira KNX system

  • En­ables net­work­ing in ac­cord­ance with the KNX stand­ard for build­ing auto­ma­tion
  • Flex­ible ex­ten­sion and an al­most end­less range of pro­gram­ming pos­sib­il­it­ies
  • In­teg­rates, among other things, blinds, light­ing, heat­ing, door in­ter­coms, cam­eras, alarm and audio sys­tems and sys­tems for san­it­ary, kit­chen and en­ter­tain­ment areas

Benefits for electrical tradesmen


  • Can be in­stalled and set up by any elec­tri­cian
  • A large net­work of Gira ex­perts is at your dis­posal to offer sup­port by act­ing as sys­tem in­teg­rat­ors
  • You can de­velop your own skills thanks to the many train­ing courses avail­able in the Gira Academy


  • Can be ex­ten­ded
  • Can be per­son­al­ised
  • Data-​secure sys­tems


  • Ef­fi­cient in­stall­a­tion time
  • Re­mote main­ten­ance pos­sible
  • Saves time thanks to simple para­met­risa­tion by the Gira Pro­ject As­sist­ant, the Gira ex­perts or Gira eNet SMART HOME con­nect

Advantages for end users


  • In­tu­it­ive op­er­a­tion
  • Can be con­figured ac­cord­ing to in­di­vidual re­quire­ments
  • Wide vari­ety of func­tions
  • Cent­ral con­trol of light, blinds, heat­ing, etc. from any loc­a­tion


  • Ex­cel­lent data se­cur­ity
  • Pro­tec­tion against burg­lary with pres­ence sim­u­la­tion
  • Pro­tec­tion against storm dam­age


  • Energy-​efficient
  • In­crease in value of the prop­erty
  • Re­mote main­ten­ance by the mas­ter elec­tri­cian

The right system for every project

Gira of­fers a wide range of Smart Home solu­tions to en­sure it can meet every cus­tomer re­quire­ment. In the fol­low­ing you will gain an in­sight into the Gira Smart Home port­fo­lio.

Gira Smart Home systems at a glance:

Gira eNet SMART HOME – the ideal solution for retrofitting or apartments

  • En­ables quick and easy con­trol of in­teg­rated com­pon­ents such as light, tem­per­at­ures and blinds by re­mote
  • The in­teg­rated devices can be con­trolled in­di­vidu­ally or ac­cord­ing to the situ­ation and re­quire­ments
  • Can be op­er­ated via the Gira eNet SMART HOME App, the Gira G1 op­er­at­ing device, the Gira wire­less wall trans­mit­ter and the Gira wire­less hand-​held trans­mit­ter
  • Easy start-​up and doc­u­ment­a­tion of the pro­ject pos­sible via Gira eNet SMART HOME con­nect
  • Easy start-​up through soft­ware sup­port with Gira eNet SMART HOME con­nect

Gira X1 Server – the ideal solution for the single-family home

  • En­ables the auto­ma­tion and visu­al­isa­tion of build­ings with KNX sys­tems
  • Easy start-​up with the Gira Pro­ject As­sist­ant
  • Re­mote main­ten­ance pos­sible via the Gira S1
  • Abil­ity to con­trol Sonos audio sys­tems
  • Con­fig­ur­a­tion of large num­bers of scenes, timers and func­tions 

Gira HomeServer/Gira FacilityServer – the perfect solution for villas/commercial properties

  • Al­lows in­tel­li­gent build­ing tech­no­logy to be con­trolled cent­rally via a large num­ber of op­er­at­ing devices
  • Al­lows for the in­teg­ra­tion of other tech­no­lo­gies such as door in­ter­coms, cam­eras, audio sys­tems and third-​party sys­tems with KNX stand­ard for san­it­ary, kit­chen and en­ter­tain­ment areas
  • Re­mote main­ten­ance via the Gira S1 
  • Per­son­al­ised visu­al­isa­tion of your own build­ing 
  • Un­lim­ited pos­sib­il­it­ies for the con­fig­ur­a­tion of scenes, timers and func­tions

More information about Gira Smart Home systems

Gira Smart Home sys­tems can be in­di­vidu­ally ad­ap­ted to the needs of your cus­tom­ers.
Below you will find de­tails of the func­tions, com­pat­ib­il­ity and in­stall­a­tion of the Gira HomeServer, the Gira X1 server and the Gira eNet SMART HOME server.

Gira eNet SMART HOME – straightforward retrofitting of homes with Smart Home systems

Using Gira eNet SMART HOME, in­di­vidual res­id­en­tial units within an apart­ment build­ing can be eas­ily equipped with a Smart Home sys­tem. Lamps, heat­ers and blinds can be in­teg­rated into apart­ments of up to 120 m² and then con­trolled by re­mote – both in­di­vidu­ally and ac­cord­ing to the situ­ation and re­quire­ments – via wall or hand-​held trans­mit­ters, the G1 op­er­at­ing device or the app.

In order to achieve this, ex­ist­ing switches or but­tons are simply re­placed with Gira eNet wire­less op­er­at­ing top units. The sys­tem is then eas­ily star­ted up via the eNet SMART HOME con­nect browser in­ter­face and, once setup is com­plete, you can auto­mat­ic­ally and con­veni­ently begin to doc­u­ment your eNet SMART HOME pro­ject.

Gira eNet SMART HOME App

The Gira eNet SMART HOME sys­tem can be con­trolled simply and in­tu­it­ively via the Gira eNet SMART HOME App – both at home and when on the move. Any­one who down­loads the app can eas­ily trig­ger in­di­vidual func­tions via their smart­phone at the touch of a fin­ger. Vari­ous timers, in­clud­ing astro func­tion, scenes and if-​then rules can also be con­figured.

The eNet SMART HOME App is in­tu­it­ive to use and easy to in­teg­rate into the Smart Home sys­tem.

eNet SMART HOME App for An­droid devices

eNet SMART HOME App for iOS devices

Gira X1 – automate single-family homes conveniently and economically

The Gira X1 server makes auto­mat­ing and visu­al­ising a single-​family home with a KNX sys­tem sim­pler, more con­veni­ent and more eco­nom­ical than ever be­fore. The device is able to meet the in­di­vidual wishes and needs of single-​family home own­ers and build­ing own­ers alike. The Gira X1 Server there­fore provides greater con­veni­ence and se­cur­ity for res­id­ents. Many func­tions can be mon­itored and con­trolled re­motely when away from home.

As the Gira X1 can be eas­ily para­met­rised via the Gira Pro­ject As­sist­ant, the server can be put into op­er­a­tion without com­plic­a­tions. Con­fig­ur­a­tion of the KNX sys­tem with the Gira X1 is achieved eas­ily and in­tu­it­ively using drag & drop. The KNX sys­tem can also be con­figured using ETS and the Gira X1 as a KNX in­ter­face.

Gira Smart Home App

The app for the Gira X1 turns ex­ist­ing mo­bile devices into con­veni­ent op­er­at­ing ele­ments for in­tel­li­gent build­ing tech­no­logy. The user-​friendly in­ter­face of the Gira Smart Home App dis­plays the KNX in­stall­a­tion, and func­tions such as dim­ming, switch­ing, blind op­er­a­tion and heat­ing con­trol can be called up e.g. via scenes or timers. Cam­era im­ages can also be ac­cessed “live”.

The Gira Smart Home App is avail­able in the Apple App Store and Google Play.

Gira X1 App for An­droid devices

Gira X1 App for iOS devices

Gira HomeServer – greater convenience in large residential buildings

With their large num­bers of rooms and up­scale fur­nish­ings, large res­id­en­tial build­ings such as vil­las place spe­cial de­mands on in­tel­li­gent build­ing tech­no­logy. These de­mands can be fully met with the Gira HomeServer, which con­nects the KNX sys­tem with the com­puter net­work and func­tions as an on­board com­puter. The Gira HomeServer al­lows you to cre­ate a per­son­al­ised visu­al­isa­tion of your own build­ing, en­sur­ing that you al­ways main­tain an over­view of the build­ing tech­no­logy.

The Gira HomeServer al­lows for the cent­ral con­trol of light­ing, blinds, heat­ing, door in­ter­coms and cam­eras, the design of room scenes, requirements-​based single-​room con­trol of vent­il­a­tion and heat­ing, fully auto­mated garden sprink­lers, mul­ti­me­dia en­ter­tain­ment in all rooms, and much more.

The KNX sys­tem is para­met­rised by Gira ex­perts. The in­di­vidual wishes and needs of the res­id­ents can be met via a wide range of func­tions.

Gira FacilityServer – sophisticated networking for the commercial sector

The com­plete range of ser­vices offered by the Gira HomeServer is also avail­able for use in the com­mer­cial sec­tor: the Gira Fa­cil­ityServer takes over the mon­it­or­ing and con­trol of the en­tire KNX in­stall­a­tion in com­mer­cial fa­cil­it­ies. It in­ter­con­nects the vari­ous func­tions and fa­cil­it­ies, com­bines their func­tions and stores all the con­sump­tion and op­er­at­ing data. Re­cur­ring se­quences can be auto­mated and pro­cesses op­tim­ised. In ad­di­tion, sev­eral Gira Fa­cil­ityServer units can be net­worked, mean­ing that build­ings that are spa­tially sep­ar­ated from one an­other can be eas­ily in­ter­con­nec­ted. This al­lows for the soph­ist­ic­ated co­ordin­a­tion of local and higher-​level ap­plic­a­tions.

Gira HomeServer/Gira FacilityServer App

With the Gira HomeServer/Gira Fa­cil­ityServer App, you can con­veni­ently op­er­ate all of the build­ing tech­no­logy from your iPhone, iPad or any Android-​based mo­bile device.

Users can im­me­di­ately find their way around the op­er­at­ing menu of the free app used to con­trol the Gira HomeServer and enjoy the be­ne­fits of in­tu­it­ive menu nav­ig­a­tion, even when on the move. Your cus­tom­ers there­fore have easy ac­cess to all con­trol func­tions and can keep a con­stant eye on all of the build­ing tech­no­logy, re­gard­less of their loc­a­tion.

The Gira HomeServer/Gira Fa­cil­ityServer App is avail­able in the Apple App Store and Google Play.

Gira HomeServer/Gira Fa­cil­ityServer App for iPhone

Gira HomeServer/Gira Fa­cil­ityServer HD App for iPad

Gira HomeServer/Gira Fa­cil­ityServer App for An­droid devices

Products for the Gira Smart Home

Vari­ous products are avail­able for the con­trol and con­fig­ur­a­tion of the Gira Smart Home sys­tems.

Operating devices:

Gira G1 – the all-rounder

The Gira G1 is the smart con­trol centre with a bright multi-​touch dis­play through which all func­tions can be con­veni­ently op­er­ated with a touch or ges­ture. It is suit­able for use with both the eNet SMART HOME wire­less sys­tem and KNX sys­tems and can be con­nec­ted via LAN or WLAN. Not only does this make it suit­able for new builds, it is also the ideal choice for mod­ern­isa­tions and ret­ro­fits.

Gira KNX pushbutton sensor 4

The Gira push­but­ton sensor 4 will im­press you with its high-​quality, mod­ern design, genu­ine ma­ter­i­als and pleas­ant feel. De­pend­ing on the ver­sion used, up to eight in­di­vidu­ally defin­able func­tions can be es­tab­lished with one Gira push­but­ton sensor 4, and either one or two LEDs provide clear op­er­at­ing and status in­form­a­tion. 

The Gira push­but­ton sensor 4 is avail­able in vari­ous high-​quality ma­ter­i­als, such as white glass, black glass, stain­less steel, alu­minium or alu­minium black. It is avail­able in 1-​gang, 2-​gang and 4-​gang ver­sions.

Gira KNX pushbutton sensor 3

The Gira KNX push­but­ton sensor 3 is an op­er­a­tion unit for the KNX sys­tem. It can be used to switch on and dim lights, raise and lower blinds, con­trol the room tem­per­at­ure, call up en­tire scenes con­sist­ing of light, blinds and music, and much more.

De­pend­ing on the device vari­ant, the Gira KNX push­but­ton sensor is avail­able with two, four, six or eight in­di­vidu­ally as­signable func­tions. If the push­but­ton sensor is con­figured as a cent­ral 1-way switch, all pre­vi­ously defined devices can be switched off at the push of a but­ton – in­di­vidual lights and light rails as well as en­tire cir­cuits. The push­but­ton sensor can also be con­figured as a panic but­ton.

Devices for parametrisation and maintenance:

Gira Project Assistant

The Gira Pro­ject As­sist­ant (GPA) al­lows a com­plete Gira X1 visu­al­isa­tion of a single-​family house or apart­ment to be cre­ated quickly and eas­ily. In ad­di­tion, the GPA in­cludes a com­pre­hens­ive logic ed­itor, in­clud­ing sim­u­la­tion op­tions, that can be used to pro­gramme nu­mer­ous Smart Home func­tions. This is made all the easier thanks to the in­tu­it­ive and clear drag & drop para­met­risa­tion. In ad­di­tion, when com­bined with the Gira DCS-​IP data in­ter­face, the GPA al­lows the Gira door com­mu­nic­a­tion sys­tem to start up quickly and neatly.

Gira S1

You can switch off the lights, check cam­era foot­age, turn on the heat­ing and close the blinds – all while on the move and safe in the know­ledge that no un­au­thor­ised per­son has ac­cess to the com­mu­nic­a­tion: When com­bined with the Gira X1 or Gira HomeServer, the Gira S1 al­lows your cus­tom­ers to con­nect to their Smart Home from any loc­a­tion in an un­com­plic­ated and fully se­cure man­ner. After all, the com­mu­nic­a­tion is en­cryp­ted. Simply start the Gira Smart Home App or the Gira HomeServer App (iOS), and the Gira S1 will take care of the rest in co­oper­a­tion with the Gira device portal. The la­bor­i­ous task of ac­tiv­at­ing a VPN or spe­cial set­tings in the router is no longer ne­ces­sary.

As the Gira S1 can be in­stalled very quickly, the in­stall­a­tion can be planned and cal­cu­lated ex­tremely well. The se­cure and simple re­mote main­ten­ance al­lows cus­tom­ers to be provided with ef­fect­ive sup­port from a dis­tance.

Fur­ther in­form­a­tion about the Gira Smart Home Sys­tems KNX, Gira eNet SMART HOME and our op­er­at­ing devices can be found here.



Gi­er­siepen GmbH & Co. KG

Dah­li­en­strasse 12

42477 Rade­vorm­wald


T +49 21 95 602-​459

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Categories of personal data:Date and time, type (object, e.g. eMailing, LeadPage), browser referrer, user agent, link ID (optional), object IDs, optional object-dependent information, individual transfer parameters, geocoordinates or alternatively IP-based geocoordinates (for forms with address entry) via Locr GmbH (recording postal addresses without first and last names) with server location in Germany

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • SC Networks GmbH

Third country transfer:None

Validity period of the cookie:12 months

Data processing purposes:Evaluation of website usage, campaign performance measurement

Categories of personal data:IP address, browser information, website visited, date and time of visit, device information, usage data, click path, geographical location

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd, Meta Platforms, Inc. (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:90 days

Data processing purposes:Evaluation of website usage, campaign performance measurement

Categories of personal data:IP address, browser information, website visited, date and time of visit, device information, usage data, click path, geographical location

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • Pinterest, Inc. (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:12 months

Data processing purposes:Analysis of website usage, use of this information to serve tailored ads on LinkedIn (retargeting)

Categories of personal data:Device and browser properties, IP address, referrer URL and timestamps

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company

Third country transfer:We do not transfer your personal data to third countries. With regard to the transfer of your personal data to third countries by LinkedIn, we refer to their privacy policy:

Validity period of the cookie:12 months

Data processing purposes:Evaluation of website usage, campaign performance measurement. Google Ads uses data to place adverts placed by Gira on websites, social media platforms, in search results and other digital platforms and to measure the success of advertising campaigns.

Categories of personal data:IP address, browser information, website visited, date and time of visit, device information, usage data, click path, geographical location

Legal basis and legitimate interests pursued, if applicable:

  • Use of the service: Section 25(1)(1) TTDSG
  • Subsequent processing of personal data: Article 6(1)(a) GDPR


  • Internal departments, in so far as access is necessary for task fulfilment
  • Google Ireland Ltd, Google LLC (USA)

Third country transfer:

  • Third country: USA
  • Adequacy decision/safeguards/exemption: Standard contractual clauses, copy to be requested via the contact details under Point 1, consent pursuant to Article 49(1)(a) GDPR

Validity period of the cookie:90 days