Gira Esprit metal

Clear forms, timeless elegance

The clear form of Gira Es­prit is shown off to par­tic­u­larly good ad­vant­age in its four metal ver­sions. The alu­minium frames exude time­less el­eg­ance, and their matt ground and an­od­ised sur­faces have a dis­creet shim­mer that un­der­lines their premium-​quality look. The alu­minium, black, and brown col­our ver­sions are per­fect for func­tional in­teri­ors. A new ad­di­tion is the lacquered alu­minium ver­sion in Sys­tem 55 col­ours.

Gira Es­prit light gold alu­minium fits in per­fectly with clas­sic and lux­uri­ous am­bi­ances. With its cool, un­ob­trus­ive, and high-​gloss ap­pear­ance, the chrome frame matches the chrome ac­cents of sofas, arm­chairs, or chairs per­fectly. Stain­less steel is the ab­so­lute clas­sic ma­ter­ial for mod­ern con­struc­tion. In the brushed ver­sion, the qual­ity of the ma­ter­ial used be­comes im­press­ively tan­gible.

The el­eg­ant and warm bronze hue en­hances the high-​quality design of match­ing in­teri­ors while adding styl­ishly mod­ern notes

Lacquered aluminium

01 Pure white glossy
02 Pure white matt
03 Grey matt
04 Anthracite matt
05 Black matt

The genuine aluminium material, lacquered in the colours of the Gira System 55, expands the range of the Gira Esprit design line. This means that it is not only available in the same design and identical dimensions as the Gira pushbutton sensor 4, but also in matching colours. A harmonious, integrated installation design consisting of Gira pushbutton sensor 4 and Gira System 55 functions is now guaranteed – for example, when installing socket outlets or classic switches.

Stainless steel

For the first time, the clas­sic ma­ter­ial of mod­ern con­struc­tion is being used as part of the Gira Es­prit range: Stain­less steel. The qual­ity of the ma­ter­ial used par­tic­u­larly comes into its own in the brushed vari­ant. De­veloped just over 100 years ago, stain­less steel has since es­tab­lished it­self in many areas. Its func­tional prop­er­ties have con­trib­uted to its wide­spread use just as much as its clear metal­lic aes­thet­ics. It is used for façade clad­ding on avant garde build­ings, in high-​quality kit­chens, and for house­hold ap­pli­ances, as well as for soph­ist­ic­ated switches.

Aluminium light gold

With its shim­mer­ing light gold col­our, the new Gira Es­prit alu­minium light gold frame vari­ant blends per­fectly with classic-​luxurious liv­ing am­bi­ances. But that’s not all, it also proves it­self as an ap­peal­ing eye-​catcher when simply in­stalled on a white wall. The subtle yet vis­ible pol­ished grain of the alu­minium frame un­der­lines its high-​quality ap­pear­ance.


In the 1920s, alu­minium be­came the ma­ter­ial of the mod­ern age, tak­ing the world of ar­chi­tec­ture by storm. With its time­less el­eg­ance and res­ist­ance, it has con­tin­ued to shape the design of our en­vir­on­ment – from every­day ob­jects to clas­sic fur­niture and sky­scrapers. The matt ground and an­od­ised alu­minium frame of the Es­prit design line is a good ex­ample of the time­less el­eg­ance of this ma­ter­ial. The subtle yet vis­ible pol­ished grain of the frame en­sures an in­di­vidual, au­then­tic look. Com­bined with anthracite-​coloured in­serts, for ex­ample, they make a big im­pact on light grey walls or bare con­crete.

Aluminium brown

Gira Es­prit alu­minium brown har­mo­ni­ously blends clar­ity in form with col­our­ful warmth. The clas­sic brown col­our tone is time­lessly el­eg­ant, and their matt ground and an­od­ised sur­faces have a dis­creet shim­mer, which un­der­lines their premium-​quality look. An­od­ising pro­tects and adds col­our to the alu­minium by giv­ing it an ar­ti­fi­cial oxide layer, while pre­serving the nat­ural pol­ished grain of the ma­ter­ial. The res­ult: a frame with a beau­ti­ful feel that rounds off the over­all im­pres­sion every time you touch it. This frame vari­ant has a sleek, el­eg­ant ap­pear­ance and suits rooms with a con­tem­por­ary in­terior style.

Aluminium black

Mod­ern col­our con­cepts skil­fully use dark col­ours to add mood or em­phasis. The frame made of pol­ished, an­od­ised alu­minium in black blends per­fectly into these con­cepts. An­od­ising pro­tects and adds col­our to the alu­minium by giv­ing it an ar­ti­fi­cial oxide layer, while pre­serving the nat­ural pol­ished grain of the ma­ter­ial. The feel of the sur­face lives up to its high-​quality ap­pear­ance. When com­bined with white in­serts, for ex­ample, the res­ult is an at­tract­ive in­ter­play of os­tens­ible mod­ern­ity against a clas­sical back­ground.


The most in­flu­en­tial ar­chi­tects of the mod­ern and con­tem­por­ary move­ments used the high-​gloss ap­pear­ance of chrome for fin­ish­ing. Many pieces of fur­niture de­signed at that time have now be­come time­less mod­ern clas­sics. Sofas, arm­chairs and chairs with high-​gloss chromed frames are still in vogue today. The Gira Es­prit chrome frame of­fers the per­fect com­ple­ment on the wall. With its high-​gloss sur­face, it blends coolly and un­ob­trus­ively into the room’s decor.

Bronze (PVD)

Eye-catching, but not obtrusive, the new bronze Gira Esprit is elegant, warm and can be combined in many different ways. Black and white are the classic matches. Dark wood tones or dark natural stone show off the high-quality appearance of bronze equally as well as a minimalist furnishing style or even stylishly opulent designs.

Gira Esprit metal


1-​gang cover frame
H 95 x W 95 x D 9.85 mm
2-​gang cover frame
H 166 x W 95 x D 9.85 mm
3-​gang cover frame
H 236.8 x W 95 x D 9.85 mm
4-​gang cover frame
H 308 x W 95 x D 9.85 mm


Gira Phoenix Design, Stut­tgart Gira design team, Rade­vorm­wald
red dot award 2001 Design Zen­trum NRW Red Dot Award 2011 Design Zen­trum NRW



Installation instructions

The following files are not available in the language you have selected, but may be in other translations.


Montage- und Pflegeanleitung.

PDF, 824,3 KB


Bohrschablone für Aufputz-Gehäuse Gira Studio

Markierungen für Bohrlöcher.

Bestell-Nr 0211 130, 0211 135, 0061 053, 0061 055

PDF, 111,7 KB


Product information

The following files are not available in the language you have selected, but may be in other translations.

Gira E2

Steckbrief, Merkmale, Abmessungen, Technische Daten, Designvarianten.

Bestell-Nr -

PDF, 330,0 KB


Gira E3

Steckbrief, Merkmale, Abmessungen, Technische Daten, Designvarianten.

Bestell-Nr -

PDF, 188,3 KB


Gira Esprit

Steckbrief, Merkmale, Abmessungen, Technische Daten, Designvarianten.

Bestell-Nr -

PDF, 707,1 KB


Gira Event

Steckbrief, Merkmale, Abmessungen, Technische Daten, Designvarianten.

Bestell-Nr -

PDF, 657,1 KB


Gira Studio

Steckbrief, Merkmale, Abmessungen, Technische Daten, Designvarianten.

Bestell-Nr -

PDF, 220,8 KB


Gira TX44

Steckbrief, Merkmale, Abmessungen, Technische Daten, Designvarianten.

Bestell-Nr -

PDF, 194,8 KB


Gira Standard 55

Steckbrief, Merkmale, Abmessungen, Technische Daten, Designvarianten.

Bestell-Nr -

PDF, 327,2 KB


Gira Flächenschalter

Steckbrief, Merkmale, Abmessungen, Technische Daten, Designvarianten.

Bestell-Nr -

PDF, 359,8 KB


Gira E1

Steckbrief, Merkmale, Abmessungen, Technische Daten, Designvarianten.

Bestell-Nr -

PDF, 214,1 KB



Gira Design Line & Function

Bestell-Nr 18125 90

PDF, 4,4 MB


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