Downloads & Software-Updates


Gira X1 firmware update


Order No. 2096 00

ZIP, 51.987 Kb

Version: 2.8.869

Date: 20.12.2023


Resolved issues

This update addresses the issue where various third-party logic modules in the previous X1 version 2.8.858 would crash when the component to be controlled is not reachable in the IP network (e.g., tado, Shelly, etc.). The root cause was a necessary component update of the Mono version to support the TLS 1.2 protocol.

Important Note

When using firmware version 2.8.869, the TLS 1.2 protocol is no longer available.

Known errors

  • Philips Hue - Entertainment area can be added.
  • Activating function timers in the GPA will not work if a function timer is deactivated with the app and then reactivated in the GPA.