Gira surface-mounted video home station 7

Large display. Flexible use.
Simple operation.

The Gira surface-​mounted video home sta­tion 7 is a new in­door sta­tion for door in­ter­coms. It is avail­able in two col­ours: pure white glossy with white glass, and black matt with black glass. Both vari­ants can be in­teg­rated har­mo­ni­ously into any in­terior design, res­id­en­tial en­vir­on­ment or of­fice situ­ation.

More information on the design of the new surface-mounted video home station 7.

  • High-​resolution 7" dis­play with wide field of view
  • Speak­erphone func­tion with ex­cel­lent voice qual­ity
  • Screen with touch func­tion and tact­ile feed­back
  • Con­veni­ent op­er­a­tion
  • Local image memory
  • In­di­vidual ring­tones
  • Simple to mount on the wall or on the base foot
  • Par­tic­u­larly well-​suited to ret­ro­fit­ting using the 2-​wire bus
  • Quick start-​up via the GPA or push but­ton in­stall­a­tion

User-friendly touch display

The surface-​mounted video home sta­tion 7 com­bines max­imum ease of use with out­stand­ing dis­play qual­ity, prac­tical speak­erphone func­tion, and straight­for­ward in­stall­a­tion. It will provide you with a con­veni­ent, high-​quality image of who’s at the door, so you can be sure who you’re let­ting in. Energy-​saving tech­no­logy means that no ad­di­tional power sup­ply is needed, and the sys­tem is also ideally suited to use in large build­ing com­plexes.

More information on the functions of the surface-mounted video home station 7.

Easy to install and ideal for retrofitting

The Gira surface-​mounted video home sta­tion 7 can be used in single-​family homes and apart­ment build­ings alike. It can be in­stalled using 2-​wire bus tech­no­logy for up to 28 devices, without the need for an ad­di­tional power sup­ply or sub­stan­tial cabling work, and is par­tic­u­larly well-​suited to ret­ro­fit­ting. Whether in a re­cep­tion area, a busi­ness premises, or a doc­tor’s sur­gery: thanks to its flex­ible wall or base foot mount­ing op­tions, a per­fect loc­a­tion can al­ways be found.

More about the installation and start-up of the surface-mounted video home station 7.

Wall mounting

Wall mount­ing is best suited to cor­ridors or stair­cases in single-​family homes.

Base foot mounting

The Gira surface-​mounted home sta­tion video 7 with stand is ideal for use on pieces of fur­niture in the of­fice.


Display and design. A clear, comprehensive overview.

The 7-​inch (17.78 cm) high-​resolution TFT col­our screen boasts im­press­ive image qual­ity and a range of in­di­vidual set­tings, such as bright­ness and con­trast op­tions. The ad­vanced IPS dis­play tech­no­logy al­lows the angle of vis­ion to be widened and guar­an­tees that the cam­era im­ages in front of the door are clearly presen­ted, even when the full-​screen glass front with its large visual field is viewed at an angle. The power-​saving sys­tem auto­mat­ic­ally switches on the dis­play when there is a ring at the door. It can also be ac­tiv­ated manu­ally. The home sta­tion can be op­er­ated by touch­ing any area of the dis­play, or by using five ca­pa­cit­ive speed but­tons at the bot­tom edge of the screen, which are also vis­ible when the dis­play is in­act­ive.

  • 1 High-​resolution 7" touch dis­play
  • 2 Turn screen on or off, when nav­ig­at­ing the menu: back to the main view, status dis­play (e.g. new image in the memory)
  • 3 Open door
  • 4 Switch on light
  • 5 Switch the ring tone on or off
  • 6 Ac­cept and end door call
  • 7 Menu bar ex­pand­able, re­tract­able, and scrol­lable

Elegant design
available in black or white

Whether moun­ted on the wall or po­si­tioned on its base foot, the surface-​mounted video home sta­tion 7 is avail­able in two col­ours: pure white glossy with white glass and black matt with black glass.

Gira surface-mounted video home station 7 in black matt with black glass and base foot

Gira surface-mounted video home station 7 in pure white glossy with white glass and base foot

Thanks to the pared down design, either vari­ant can be har­mo­ni­ously in­teg­rated into any private liv­ing in­terior and it is equally at home on re­cep­tion coun­ters and desks in of­fices, doc­tors’ sur­ger­ies, and legal prac­tices.


Operation and functions. Proper, intuitive control.
Speed buttons for convenience.

The basic func­tions of the home sta­tion can be con­trolled simply by lightly touch­ing the icon but­tons: you can ac­cept door calls, switch on the out­side light by the door or the stair­case light­ing (in con­junc­tion with a switch­ing ac­tu­ator), and open the door. The door bell can also be muted, if de­sired. The press of a but­ton is con­firmed by an ac­know­ledge­ment tone, which can be de­ac­tiv­ated. Con­firm­a­tion via tact­ile feed­back (vi­bra­tion) is also an op­tion. The type of but­ton tone (tone, click, multi-​frequency tone) and its volume can also be set. Multi-​frequency tones and but­ton vi­bra­tion are es­pe­cially prac­tical op­tions for people with hear­ing impair­ments.


Up to 24 calls (door calls, in­ternal calls, and floor calls) can be as­signed to the Gira surface-​mounted video home sta­tion 7. Ten pre-​installed ring­tone melod­ies are avail­able to help you man­age the calls, but all or any of these can be re­placed by your own melod­ies. To do this, you will need an SD card.

Image memory

A cus­tom­is­able, in­ternal image memory of­fers ca­pa­city for up to 200 im­ages, which can be stored manu­ally or auto­mat­ic­ally in the case of a door call. So even if you were out at the time, you can look later and see who came by. The in­ternal im­ages can also be manu­ally saved to an ex­ternal SD card.

External camera

The home sta­tion can be linked with up to 20 cam­eras in a range of loc­a­tions, such as the main en­trance, garden or side en­trance, stair­case or cel­lar door.


Two fa­vour­ites can be defined and dis­played in the on-​screen menu bar via the “Man­age fa­vour­ites” func­tion. Per­sonal switch op­er­a­tions that you per­form fre­quently are good choices for fa­vour­ites, for ex­ample “Call chil­dren’s bed­room” or “Turn on en­trance light”.

Auto function

The auto­matic door open­ing func­tion is an op­tional fea­ture that works by auto­mat­ic­ally trig­ger­ing the door opener whenever there is a ring at the door. A prac­tical func­tion for doc­tors’ sur­ger­ies, for ex­ample.

Installation and start-up

The Gira surface-​mounted video home sta­tion 7 can be used in single-​family homes and apart­ment build­ings alike. It can be in­stalled using 2-​wire bus tech­no­logy for up to 28 devices, without the need for an ad­di­tional power sup­ply or sub­stan­tial cabling work.

The Gira Pro­ject As­sist­ant (GPA) will help you to define all of the set­tings dur­ing start-​up – device para­met­ers, image memory, door calls, and much more. Es­pe­cially prac­tical for rental prop­er­ties. These set­tings can be saved onto a mi­croSD card as a back-​up. You have the op­tion of set­ting a PIN that must be entered be­fore changes can be made to set­tings. Prac­tical for apart­ment build­ings or hol­i­day apart­ments. You can leave your con­tact de­tails on the device as a di­gital busi­ness card, so that the user can get hold of you eas­ily if they need rapid as­sist­ance. Firm­ware up­dates can also be eas­ily in­stalled via a mi­croSD card. It goes without say­ing that the usual push-​button start-​up is also pos­sible.

Download installation and start-up instructions here.

All func­tions and device para­met­ers can be eas­ily and clearly ad­jus­ted via the set­tings menu, or in­stalled with the aid of the GPA.

Easy installation with little mess or effort

As the home sta­tion works using the tra­di­tional 2-​wire bus used by the door­bell sys­tem, there is very little in­stall­a­tion work in­volved. A mount­ing plate merely has to be at­tached to the wall to in­stall the device. Thanks to its slim di­men­sions (W/ H/ D: 181×123×24 mm), low pro­file height of only 26 mm, and straight­for­ward design, there is a suit­able space for the home sta­tion in any en­trance area.

Step 1

When mount­ing the home sta­tion on the wall, an in­stall­a­tion height of 1.60 – 1.70 m is re­com­men­ded. Be sure to pick an even sur­face to mount it on.

Step 2

The home sta­tion’s mount­ing plate should be fixed cent­rally over the cable out­let.

Step 3

Then simply lay the home sta­tion on the mount­ing plate and push down­wards until it aud­ibly locks into place.

Step 4

To re­move the home sta­tion, sup­port the sides and push firmly up­wards with your thumbs until it is re­leased by the catch mech­an­ism.

Data backup.
Once installed, saved forever.

If there is a power out­age, your device set­tings will be re­tained. If a device has to be re­placed, all the data can simply be stored on an SD card. To do this, you need a mi­croSD card in FAT32 format with at least 500 MB of memory. Along­side its back-​up func­tion, the SD card can be used to im­port ring tones and to ex­port im­ages. More in­form­a­tion on this can be found in the mount­ing in­struc­tion.

Technical data

Technical data

Di­men­sions W/H/D:
181 × 123 x 24 mm
Pro­file height:
26 mm
Mount­ing type:
Mount­ing on the wall or on the base foot

Product range & article number

Surface-​mounted video home sta­tion 7, pure white glossy
Item No. 1209 03
Surface-​mounted video home sta­tion 7, black matt
Item No. 1209 005
Base foot, pure white glossy
Item No. 1282 03
Base foot, black matt/alu
Item No. 1282 005

Other data

  • High-​quality ma­ter­i­als and com­pact di­men­sions
  • High-​resolution screen with touch func­tion and tact­ile
  • Clear image via 7-​inch dis­play with wide rotary angle of vis­ion thanks to IPS tech­no­logy
  • Speak­erphone func­tion
  • Con­veni­ent op­er­a­tion using icons


  • In­tu­it­ive con­trol of the basic func­tions with speed dial but­tons
  • Ten pre-​installed ring­tone melod­ies that you can re­place with your own
    melod­ies if you wish
  • Up to 28 surface-​mounted video home sta­tion 7s can be fully sup­plied via 2-​wire bus tech­no­logy, without any need for extra voltage.
  • Dur­ing start-​up, all device set­tings can be defined dir­ectly via the menu or with the aid of the Gira Pro­ject As­sist­ant (GPA).


Operating instructions

Gira surface-mounted video home station 7

Operating instructions

Bestell-Nr 1209 ..

PDF, 9,4 MB


Installation instructions

Gira surface-mounted video home station 7

Assembly and start-up intructions

Bestell-Nr 1209 ..

PDF, 4,3 MB


Base for surface-mounted home station video 7

Installation instructions for table device

Bestell-Nr 1282 ..

PDF, 576,1 KB



Gira door communication

Bestell-Nr 18123 90

PDF, 2,2 MB



Gira surface-mounted video home station 7

Firmware update

Bestell-Nr 1209 ..

ZIP, 169,7 MB


Guides / system basics

Gira Door communication system

Basics, planning examples Door communication system Order no. 1736 90

PDF, 5,4 MB


Features Design Functions Installation Technical data Download

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