KNX Sensore a pulsante RF 1 modulo e 3 moduli
Istruzioni per l’uso
Set up Amazon Alexa
This document describes the setup of Amazon Alexa in connection with the Gira S1 and the Gira X1 or Gira HomeServer.
Set up Google Assistant
This document describes the setup of Google Assistant in connection with the Gira S1 and the Gira X1 or Gira HomeServer.
Protocol specification of TCP/IP Gira Control
Operating instructions.
Gira HomeServer / FacilityServer
Additional information
Gira HomeServer / FacilityServer
Operating instructions.
Gira HomeServer / FacilityServer - App
KNX RF push button 1-gang and 3-gang
Technical documentation
Gira X1 firmware update
To perform the update the Gira Project Assistant V 5.1 is required.
Gira X1 Logic node Schüco
Control of Schüco windows and Schüco sliding systems: The logic node uses the information from the 4-byte datapoint type "Status" of the Schüco KNX gateway to allow control with the Gira X1 function "Shutters/blinds".
Gira Smart Home Windows Client 32 Bit
Gira Smart Home App for Windows PC
Gira Smart Home Windows Client 64 Bit
Gira Smart Home App for Windows PC
Gira X1 Logic modules "Gira G1 notification" & "Gira G1 DCS-state"
Gira G1 notification: This node is used for the easy generation of text messages on the Gira G1. Gira DCS-state: This node is used to evaluate the Gira G1’s door communication status.
Gira Control Point
UPnP plug-in for the controlling of Loewe and Revox devices.
Gira Expert
Software for the Gira HomeServer 4 or Gira FacilityServer 4.
Gira HomeServer / Gira FacilityServer – Firmware
Attention! Only for Gira HomeServer 4 or Gira FacilityServer 4.
Gira X1 Logikbaustein Modbus-Schnittstelle
Der Logikbaustein ermoglicht eine Integration von PV-Anlagen, Batteriespeichern und Wärmepumpen sowie Heizungsanlagen und Ladestationen in das KNX System.
Gira OS Connect
Software zur Anbindung von Apple-Produkten an den Gira HomeServer/FacilityServer.
Gira HomeServer / Gira FacilityServer – Firmware
Mit dieser Datei können Sie die Firmware vom Gira HomeServer/FacilityServer auf die Version 4.6.0 via USB-Stick downgraden. Die Datei kann ab den folgenden Indexständen verwendet werden: - HomeServer: Indexstand I21 - FacilityServer: Indexstand I17 Bitte beachten Sie die Informationen in der ZIP-Datei.
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