Downloads & Software-Updates


Firmware Gira S1 V 5.0.714


Ref. 2089 00

ZIP, 24.336 Kb

Versión: 5.0.714

Fecha: 06.09.2019


The new firmware, including the new ETS application, contains the following two changes:

  • Data logger on a microSD card* to record KNX telegrams.
  • As a clock, the Gira S1 can send the current time to the bus at configurable intervals.

* microSD card not included in the scope of supply.

You can install the update using the GPA's "Action Center" tile.
In the ETS, the new ETS application is made available via the online catalogue. If the new version (5.0) is not shown, the catalogue must be updated. The new functions can only be used when both the new firmware and the new ETS application are used.

Known errors

  • If the DNS server address is specified at a different address than that of the default gateway via the device website of the Gira S1 and the Gira S1 is then restarted, the DNS server address is overwritten with the address of the default
  • If the Gira S1 is selected as a tunnelling interface to program itself via TP and the KNX connection is lost while the physical address is being downloaded, KNX communication is no longer possible. Restarting the Gira S1 corrects this error.
  • If a full microSD card (fill level = 100%) is removed from the Gira S1 in order to delete the telegrams on the microSD card and the empty microSD card is then inserted back into the Gira S1, error code 4 appears and the Gira S1 stops logging. Restarting the Gira S1 corrects this error.

To perform the update the Gira Project Assistant V 3.4 is required. It is recommended to always use the latest available GPA version. Please follow the instructions in the enclosed documentation.