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Gira X1 firmware update


Nr katalogowy 2096 00

ZIP, 46.193 Kb

Wersja: 1.1.507

Data: 15.02.2017

Do pobrania


  • KNX telegrams could no longer be sent.
  • Heating control stabilised in order to prevent crashes.
  • Inactive function clocks were no longer available after restart of the Gira X1.
  • Keyboard in the Gira X1 app remains permanently in the foreground.
  • Corrections in the Chinese translation.
  • Projects without specification of host name and password resulted in an empty project on the Gira X1 after restart.
    The system crashed when several NTP and KNX timers were used.

To perform the update the Gira Project Assistant V 2.0 is required. Please follow the instructions in the enclosed documentation.